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定 价:¥20.00

作 者: 曹丽燕,陈岩 著
出版社: 对外经济贸易大学出版社
丛编项: 新世界全国高职高专院校规划教材·商务英语专业
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787811345230 出版时间: 2009-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 135 字数:  


  相信学生会对《商务英语报刊阅读(商务英语专业)(第2版)》的教学有兴趣阅读。 本教材所选用的财经新闻均选自China Daily,涵盖了互联网、贸易、经济、金融、管理和环保等方面的内容,覆盖面广,深入浅出,语言规范,切合实际。




Unit 1  DreamWorks Animation Cuts 2005 Profit Forecast
Unit 2  Enterprises Should Know Trade Pact Rules
Unit 3  Firms Ponder Investment Rules
Unit 4  eBay Makes Online Buying Easier
Unit 5  Stable Price and Higher Consumer Confidence Boost Car Sales
Unit 6  Trade Robust in Pearl River Delta Economies
Unit 7  It Is High Time to Restructure Kelon
Unit 8  Economic Landscape Change Is Limited
Unit 9  Google Makes Push into China
Unit 10 Central Bank to Maintain Moderate Policies
Unit 11 Euro Region Economic Growth Falls Short
Unit 12 House Market Cools Down in Qingdao
Unit 13 Sensible Talks Help Resolve Trade Dispute
Unit 14 Auctions Used to Recover Bad Debt
Unit 15 Small Polluting Power Units Will Close
Unit 16 New Forex Rules Seek to Balance Capital Flow
Unit 17 Staying the Course in Trough of Uncertainty
Unit 18 Economist: Olympics Not Necessarily a Boost to Stocks
Unit 19 China Cuts Rates, Lowers Reserve Ratio
Unit 20 Shenzhou-7 Spaceship Lands Safely
