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定 价:¥28.70

作 者: 《艺术英语》教材编写组 编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787040229196 出版时间: 2008-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 176 字数:  






Unit 1 About the Arts
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: What Are the Arts?
Reading B: The Butterfly Effect in the Arts World
Part Two Listening and Speaking
Part Three Real Life Writing: Postcard and Notice
Unit 2 Music
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: How a Piano Works?
Reading B: Music in Our Lives
Part Two Listening and Speaking
Part Three Real Life Writing: Small Ad and Journal
Unit 3 Dancing
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: The Basic Waltz Is So Easy
Reading B: Dancing Is Good for Health
Part Two Listening and Speaking
Part Three Real Life Writing: Fax and Invitation
Unit 4 Fine Arts
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Stages of Child Art
Reading B: Process of Oil Painting
Part Two Listening and Speaking
Part Three Real Life Writing: Note and E-mail
Unit 5 Performance
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Real Life Is the Best Teacher
Reading B: Stories of Mei Lanfang
Part Two Listening and Speaking
Part Three Real Life Writing: Resume
Unit 6 Animation
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Traditional and Computer Animation
Reading B: Three-dimensional Animation
Part Two Listening and Speaking
Part Three Real Life Writing: Business Card; How to Use and Maintain a Product
Unit 7 Photography
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Digital Cameras Are Fantastic
Reading B: Focus on the 2005 PIPF
Part Two Listening and Speaking
Part Three Real Life Writing: Greeting Card and Private Letter
Unit 8 Movies and Television
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Movies and Television
Reading B: 78th Oscar Nominations
Part Two Listening and Speaking
Part Three Real Life Writing:Brief Introduction to a Company/Product; Business Letter
