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定 价:¥14.50

作 者: 龚龙生 等 著 龚龙生,等 编
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 英语全国外国语学校系列教材任意选修课系列
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787544602648 出版时间: 2007-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 85 字数:  






Unit 1 Advertisement
Warm-Up Exercises
Part One Listening Comprehension:Advertisement
Part Two Reading:Size Matters in Ban on Sandwich Advertisement
Part Three Language Lab
Unit 2 Internet in Our Daily Lives
Warm-Up Exercises
Part One Listening Comprehension:The Web Lifestyle
Part Two Reading:Power at Last
Part Three Language Lab
Unit 3 Money and Banking
Warm-Up Exercises
Part One Listening Comprehension:Credit Cards and Checks
Part Two Reading:In the Bank
Part Three Language Lab
Unit 4 China's Entertainment Industry
Warm-Up Exercises
Part One Listening Comprehension:Entertainment:China's New Growth Industry
Part Two Reading:“Super Girls”:A Landmark of China's TV Entertainment Industry
Part Three Language Lab
Unit 5 Tourism
Warm-Up Exercises
Part One Listening Comprehension:The Old Silk Road
Part Two Reading:The Tourist Industry
Part Three Language Lab
Unit 6 Brand
Warm-Up Exercises
Part One Listening Comprehension:The Secret of Samsung's Success
Part Two Reading:Ikea——Brand of the Many
Part Three Language Lab
Unit 7 Culture and Business
Warm-Up Exercises
Part One Listening Comprehension:Table Manners
Part Two Reading:Appreciating Cultural Differences Makes Good BusinessSense
Part Three Language Lab
Unit 8 Import and Export
Warm-Up Exercises
Part One Listening Comprehension:A Conversation
Part Two Reading:A Business Conversation
Part Three Language Lab
Unit 9 Job Hunting and Recruitment
Warm-Up Exercises
Part One Listening Comprehension:An Interview
Part Two Reading:Interview or Test?
Part Three Language Lab
Unit 10 Globalization
Warm-Up Exercises
Part One Listening Comprehension:For and Against Globalization
Part Two Reading:Going Global
Part Three Language Lab
