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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语军队院校重点网络课程《军事英语》配套教材·新军事英语:陆军兵种指挥与技术



定 价:¥24.90

作 者: 程勇,张亚非 著
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787560055558 出版时间: 2006-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 266 字数:  






Lesson 1 Urban Warfare in the Information Age
Lesson 2 Training Leaders, Soldiers and Units for the Future Force
Lesson 3 How to Develop the Best-ever Fire Support System
Lesson 4 Artillery Fires in Support of Aviation in the Close Attack
Lesson 5 M270 MLRS Self-Propelled Loader/Launcher(SPLL)
Lesson 6 Training Transformation to Future Combat Systems(FCS)
Lesson 7 Tanks, Battleships, and the Future of Armored Warfare
Lesson 8 M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank
Lesson 9 Corps of Engineers
Lesson 10 Topographic Support
Lesson 11 Chemical Corps
Lesson 12 Biological and Chemical Weapons
Lesson 13 Improved Marking of Contaminated Area
Lesson 14 Why We Need a Globally Integrated Air and Missile Defense
Lesson 15 Training Required to Conduct the Air and Missile Defense Mission
Lesson 16 Transforming ADA
Lesson 17 Space Support to Missile Defense Operations
Lesson 18 Army Aviation and Army Transformation
Lesson 19 Aviation Systems Updated
Lesson 20 Aviation Modernization Strategy-2000 and Beyond
Appendix 1 Military Terms
Appendix 2 Military Acronyms and Initialisms
Appendix 3 Vocabulary
