All about me/ filling in information about oneself
Animal halves/ matching picture halves
Little word in big word/ identifying words; making sentences
Crossword/ parts of the body
Mother and child/ completing names of animals and their young ones
Join up!/ making questions
asking and answering questions
Match/ matching each set of words with the group word
Riddles/ solving verbal puzzles
At the dolphin pool/ reading a story
completing sentences about the story
Faster, bigger...?/ using comparatives
making sentences with superlatives
How did they travel?/ names of vehicles
Match it!/ matching vehicles with their parts
What am I?/ completing the text; solving the puzzles
Match and write/ identifying collocations; containers
Late again?/ reading pictures
identifying correct information
A story/ choosing correct words to complete the story
... than .../ using comparatives
L ost!//matching animals with their habitats
The new girl/choosing the best response in a dialogue
True or false/reading a picture
correcting wrong sentences
writing about one's house/flat
A birthday present/choosing the best words to complete the dialogue
How are we alike?/ identifying word families
Spot the difference - 1/ identifying differences
saying what they are
Looking for mother/ reading a story; answering questions
Spot the difference - 2/ identifying differences
saying what they are
Mrs. Baker/ completing the text using clues
My robot Robbie/ identifying body parts
writing a guided description
This is to that/ supplying correct words
Which room?/ using 'house' words
putting things in the right rooms
Patch/ identifying words in a spoken text
Listen, draw and colour/ following instructions
Listen and tick/ identifying correct information
One week in the life
of Roy Rock / matching activities with days of the week
My family/ identifying people