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作 者: 杨晓萍 等编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 大学英语选修课·学科课程系列教材
标 签: 大学教材教辅 大学英语 教材教辅 外语学习


ISBN: 9787040344790 出版时间: 2012-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 128 字数:  






Part Ⅰ Different People in Different Countries
Unit 1 Englishmen, Americans, and Chinese
Passage A The English Character
Passage B The American Character
Passage C The Chinese Character
Cultural Information Influence of Geographic Environment
Unit 2 Values and Religions
Passage A East and West, Different Values
Passage B Religion and Its Infiuence in the East and West
Passage C American Religious Heritages
Cultural Information Being Religious in America
Part Ⅱ Differences in Daily Life
Unit 3 Family and Friend
Passage A American Family
Passage B Social Relationship and Friendship in the East and West
Cultural Information American Friendship
Unit 4 Sports and Entertainment
Passage A Leisure Activities in Britain and China
Passage B Sports and Recreation in America
Cultural Information Volunteerism in America
Unit 5 Dieting and Culture
Passage A Chopsticks or Forks, Taste or Nutrition
Passage B Eating Etiquette in the West
Cultural Information Cultural Formulas for Hunger
Part III Differences in Study,Work and Society
Unit 6 Education
Passage A Education in China and the U.S
Passage B Home School Education
Cultural Information American Education
Unit 7 Different Attitudes to Time and Work
Passage A Different Attitudes to Time
Passage B American Attitude to Work and Manual Labor
Cultural Information Theories of Ethics in the West
Unit 8 Social Differences
Passage A American Presidential Election
Passage B The Welfare State
Cultural Information American Politics
Part IV Intercultural Adaptation
Unit 9 Meeting Different Cultures
Passage A Silence in Different Cultures
Passage B Culture Shock and Adjustments
Cultural Information Verbal or Silent Communication
Unit 10 Globalization
Passage A Ethnocentrism
Passage B Understanding Intercultural Conflicts
Cultural Information Ethnocentrism, a Bamer in Intercultural Communication
