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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语大学英语:快速阅读(2 航海类专业适用)

大学英语:快速阅读(2 航海类专业适用)

大学英语:快速阅读(2 航海类专业适用)

定 价:¥20.00

作 者: 罗卫华,吕弘 编
出版社: 大连海事大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787563225774 出版时间: 2011-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 148 字数:  




暂缺《大学英语:快速阅读(2 航海类专业适用)》作者简介


Unit 1 Friendships
Passage A Friendships
Passage B Bunny and Teddy
Passage C Keeping Up Long-Distance Friendships
Passage D Importance of Friendships
Unit 2 Education
Passage A UK Education System
Passage B Studying on Board
Passage C Role of Father in Child Rearing
Passage D The Value of College
Unit 3 Traveling
Passage A Tips for Women Traveling Alone
Passage B World's Largest Cruise Ship on Maiden Voyage
Passage C Crucial Travel Strategies for 2010
Passage D Transportation in Australia
Unit 4 Character Building
Passage A How to Boost Your Self-Confidence?
Passage B A Career at Sea
Passage C Team Work and Team Building Essentials
Passage D Let Your Mind Wander
Unit 5 Fascinating Stories
Passage A The Story of Creation
Passage B Adventurer to Sail Solo Around World--Backwards
Passage C The Window
Passage D A Baker's Dozen
Unit 6 Globalization
Passage A What Is Globalization?
Passage B International Shipping-Carrier of World Trade
Passage O Globalization Creates Problems but Can Also Help Solve World Issues
Passage D Is Globalization Good or Bad7
Unit 7 Transportation
Passage A Water Transportation in theUnited States
Passage B How Boats Work?
Passage C Oil Transportation
Passage D Transportation and the Three Es: Energy, the Economy and the Environment
Unit 8 Economy
Passage A Stock Investment
Passage B Global Shipping Industry Faces Worker Shortage
Passage C Inflation
Passage D Why Not Just Print More Money?
Key to the Exercises
