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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语新编实用英语综合教程3(第3版)



定 价:¥36.50

作 者: 《新编实用英语》教材编写组 编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787040332506 出版时间: 2011-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 186 字数:  


  《新编实用英语综合教程3(第3版)》的修订目标是“更新与升级”,而不是“重起炉灶”,在让老用户感到熟悉与亲切的同时,又感觉到新思路、新内容、新气息;为新用户则提供一套理念更新换代的“更新版新编实用英语”。第三版进一步体现了“三加强”的原则:加强听说、加强表达、加强实用。第三版特别加强了听说部分的训练,更注重实用交际能力的培养;增编《新编实用英语·职场手册》的目的就是使《新编实用英语》更好更直接地为学生求职和深造服务。第三版追求的目标不仅“要实用,要好教,更要好学”,还要便于创设“学习轻松、学用结合、课堂,职场交融”的教学环境。新编和更新的课文更具时代气息,体现了职场交际的特色,语言更具时代性,更有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,如新增的网络讨论和博客交流等。第三版更加注意体现人文因素和跨文化交际,特别加编了Appreciating Culture Tips(文化欣赏提示),让学生讨论生活哲理和职业道德警语(Mottos of Life Philosophy and Business Ethics),欣赏语言及其所包含的人生哲理。《新编实用英语综合教程3(第3版)所进行的探索与尝试符合高职高专英语教学改革的方向和迫切需求,编者相信本教材一定能得到广大高职高专院校师生的欢迎与支持,也希望更多的院校积极参与教学、教材改革的实践。我们始终抱着虚心听取意见、深入研究、不断完善的态度,力求使《新编实用英语》(第三版)成为广大师生的诚挚朋友。




Unit One Promoting Activities
Section ⅠTalking Face to Face
Seation Ⅱ Being All Ears
Section Ⅲ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Creative Strategies Prompt Consumers to Buy, Buy, Buy
Passage Ⅱ Promotion Methods
Section V Appreciating Culture Tips
Unit Two Company Profiles
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ Being All Ears
Section Ⅲ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
passage ⅠDeveloping Your Company Image
Passage Ⅱ Everyone Has a Chance to Win
Section V Appreciating Culture Tips
Unit Three Purchase and Payment
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ Being All Ears
Section Ⅲ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ How Safe Is Your Mobile Wallet?
Passage Ⅱ E-business Means Opportunities
Section V Appreciating Culture Tips
Unit Four Tratining Across Cultures
Section Ⅲ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
Passage Ⅱ Change, or Get Left Behind
Section VAppreciating Culture Tips
Unit Five Barndsand Advertisements
Section Ⅱ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅲ Being All Ears
Section Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ ElsietheCow
Passage Ⅱ ExperientiaIBranding
Section V Appreciating Culture Tips
Unit Six Sharing the Loss
Passage Ⅰ SharingEconomicLossesThroughlnsurance
Passage Ⅱ BeCarefulwithYourPolicy
Section V Appreciating Culture Tips
Unit Seven Busy Agenda and Schedule
Unit Eight Thinking Global,Acting Local
