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定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 张蓓,李欣 编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787040327939 出版时间: 2011-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 262 字数:  






Unit 1 Communication
Part One Lead-in
Part Two Brainstorming
Part Three Hot Issues
Part Four Fun Time
Part Five Reflection
Unit 2 Weather.
Part One Lead-in
Part Two Brainstorming
Part Three Hot Issues
Part Four Fun Time
Part Five Reflection
Unit 3 Free Time and Leisure Activities
Part One Lead-in
Part Two Bra,instorming
Part Three Hot lssues
Part Four Fun Time
Part Five Reflection
Unit4 Money
Part One Lead-in
Part Two Brainstorming
Part Three Hot Issues
Part Four Fun Time
Part Five Reflection
Unit 5 Travel
Part One Lead-in
Part Two Brainstorming
Part Three Hot Issues
Part Four Fun Time
Part Five Reflection
Unit 6 Health
Part One Lead-in
Part Two Brainstorming
Part Three Hot Issues
Part Four Fun Time
Part Five Reflection
Unit 7 Good Memory
Part One Lead-in
Part Two Brainstorming
Part Three Hot Issues
Part Four Fun Time
Part Five Reflection
Unit 8 Movie
Part One Lead-in l
Part Two Brainstorming
Part Three Hot Issues
Part Four Fun Time
Part Five Reflection
Unit 9 Food
Part One Lead-in
Part Two Brainstorming
Part Three Hot Issues
Part Four Fun Time
Part Five Reflection
Unit 10 Out and About
Part One Lead-in
Part Two Brainstorming
Part Three Hot Issues
Part Four Fun Time
Part Five Reflection
Unit 11 Sports
Part One Lead-in
Part Two Bra.instorming
Part Three Hot Issues
Part Four Fun Time
Unit 12 Family
Unit 13 Earning a Living
Unit 14 Festivals
Unit 15 Dream Home
Unit 16 Future Life
Answer Keys & Scripts
