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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语21世纪高等学校英语课程改革规划教材:新探索大学英语综合教程2(学生用书)



定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 刘兵 编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787040327915 出版时间: 2011-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 207 字数:  






Unit l Festival
Part I Learning Objectives
Part II Listening-Ho/d/ng a Party
Part III Speaking-Attending a Party
Part IV Reading
Text AThe Origin of April Foo/'s Day
Word Building Suffix: -ish and -like
Grammar Focus as
WritingA Letter of /nvitation
Text B Christmas in /celand
Part V  Time for Fun My First and My Last
Unit 2 Sleep
Part I Learning Objectives
Part II Listening-S/eep and Hea/th
Part III Speaking-S/eep
PartIV Reading
Text A Can a Midday Nap Make You Smarter?
Word BuildingPrefix: non-
Grammar FocusThe more. . . the more. . .
Writing A Letter of Acceptance or Refusal
Text BLost Sleep Can't Be Made Up, Study Suggests
Part V Time for Fun A Smuggler
Unit 3 World Expo
Part I Learning Objectives
Part II Listening-Word Expo 
Part III Speaking-Expo Performance
Part IV Reading
Text A Shanghai Expo Through Their Eyes
Word Building Compound nouns
Grammar Focus “It”as the formal subject
WritingA Letter of Congratulation
Text B Expo History
Part V Time for Fun'm G/ad
Unit 4 The Prediction of the Future
Part I Learning Objectives
Part II Listening-Prediction
Part III Speaking-Future Life
Part IV Reading
Text AIs Doomsday Comingl Perhaps, But Not in 2012
Word Building Suffix: -at/on, -/on and -ment
Grammar Focus  an attribute
Writing A Graduation Certificate
Text B The Failure of  Most Prediction About
Part V Time for Fun It's His Fau It
Unit 5 Fashion
Part I Learning Objectives
Part II Listening-Changes in Fashion
Part III Speaking-Fashionab/e C/othes
Part IV  Reading
Text A New Congress, New Trend
Word BuildingPrefix: ab-
Grammar Focus “so” or“neithef”
Writing A Poster
Unit 6 Internet of Things
Unit 7 3-D Technology
Unit 8 Sportsmanship
Unit 9 Attitude
Unit 10 Famliy Affection
