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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语综合英语教程:同步练习1(第3版)



定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 邹为诚 等编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787040319972 出版时间: 2011-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 199 字数:  






Unit 1 My First Job
Part l Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening and Speaking
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 Reading and Writing
Unit 2 American Homes and Traditional Chinese Homes
Part l Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening and Speaking
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 Reading and Writing
Unit 3 What's in a Name?
Part l Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening and Speaking
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 Reading and Writing
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 Reading and Writing
Part 5 Reading Literature
Part 6 TEM4 Practice
Unit 4 Waiting for a Call
Part l Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening and Speaking
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 Reading and Writing
Part 5 TEM4 Practice 
Unit 5 England as Seen by Americans
Part l Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening and Speaking
Unit 6 A Delightful Village
Part l Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening and Speaking
Part 3 Learning Strategies 
Part 4 Reading and Writing
Unit 7 The Mystery of the White Gardenia
Part l Vocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening and Speaking
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 Reading and Writing 
Part 5 TEM4 Practice
Unit 8 The Message Behind the Smile
Part l Vtocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening and Speaking 
Part 3 Learning Strategies .
Part 4 Reading and Writing
Unit 9 Snake
Part 1 Vtocabulary and Structure
Part 2 Listening and Speaking
Part 3 Learning Strategies
Part 4 Reading and Writing
Unit 10 The Risks of Life
Unit 11 Medicine and Health
Unit 12 The Transaction
Unit 13 Words Can Give You Power
Unit 14 People Who Changed the Shape of Our World
Unit 15 The Rocking-Horse Winner
