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现代英语教程6(教学指导与练习 第2版)

现代英语教程6(教学指导与练习 第2版)

定 价:¥18.90

作 者: 楼光庆 等编
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787513504119 出版时间: 2011-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 132 字数:  




暂缺《现代英语教程6(教学指导与练习 第2版)》作者简介


Unit A Business Letter
Background Knowledge(背景知识)
Detailed Notes to the Text(课文详解)
Key to Exercises(参考答案)
Chinese Translation(课文参考译文) Unit 2 Effective Use of Land
Background Knowledge(背景知识)
Detailed Notes to the Text(课文详解)
Key to Exercises(参考答案)
Chinese Translation(课文参考译文) Unit 3 Yellowstone National Park
Background Knowledge(背景知识)
Detailed Notes to the Text(课文详解)
Key to Exercises(参考答案)
Chinese Translation(课文参考译文) Unit 4 My Friend, Albert Einstein
Background Knowledge(背景知识)
Detailed Notes to the Text(课文详解)
Key to Exercises(参考答案)
Chinese Translation(课文参考译文) Unit 5 Americans:A Definition
Background Knowledge(背景知识)
Detailed Notes to the Text(课文详解)
Key to Exercises(参考答案)
Chinese Translation(课文参考译文) Unit 6 On Reading
Background Knowledge(背景知识)
Detailed Notes to the Text(课文详解)
Key to Exercises(参考答案)
Chinese Translation(课文参考译文) Unit 7 Walking in Space
Background Knowledge(背景知识)
Detailed Notes to the Text(课文详解)
Key to Exercises(参考答案)
Chinese Translation(课文参考译文) Unit 8 A Seven.Dollar Dream
Background Knowledge(背景知识)
Detailed Notes to the Text(课文详解)
Key to Exercises(参考答案)
Chinese Translation(课文参考译文) Unit9 A Fable for Tomorrow
Background Knowledge(背景知识)
Detailed Notes to the Text(课文详解)
Key to Exercises(参考答案)
Chinese Translation(课文参考译文) Unit 10 A Wing and a Prayer
Background Knowledge(背景知识)
Detailed Notes to the Text(课文详解)
Key to Exercises(参考答案)
Chinese Translation(课文参考译文) English Proficiency Tests
Key to English Proficiency Tests
