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定 价:¥29.90

作 者: 冯晓梅,张英莉,陈效新 编
出版社: 中国石油大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787563633524 出版时间: 2011-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 291 字数:  






Unit 1 Personality
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage
The Misery of Shyness
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage
You Are What You Think
Unit 2 Myths and Legends
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary 23
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage
Why the Tortoise's Shell Is Not Smooth?
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage
Beauty and the Beast
Unit 3 Social Problems
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage
Latchkey Children -- Knock, Knock, Is Anybody Home?
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage
Unit 4 Career Planning 64
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage
Career Planning
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage
Summer Job Planning
Unit 5 Language
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage
How I Discovered Words
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage
Foreign Accents
Unit 6 Man and Animals
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage
Aggression in Humans and Animals
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage
Animals on the Job
Unit 7 The Joy of Travel
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage
Transformative Travel
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage
The Romance of Train Travel
Unit 8 Nature and Nurture
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage
Twins, Genes, and Environment
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage
Science Looks Twice at Twins
Unit 9 Music
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage
Music to Your Gears
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage
The Beatles
Unit 10 Reflections on Life
Section 1 Check Your Vocabulary
Section 2 Get to Know the Background
Section 3 In-Class Reading Passage
A Diary of the Century
Section 4 After-Class Reading Passage
Let the Questions In
