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定 价:¥18.90

作 者: 夏伟蓉 著 夏伟蓉 编
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787513502474 出版时间: 2010-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 140 字数:  






Unit 1 Animal Intelligence
Part One Reading in Depth
Passage A Interesting Facts About Ants
Passage B Tool-Making and Trick-Playing of Crows
Part Two Fast Reading
Passage C Top Ten Most Intelligent Animals in the World
Passage D Chimps--the Helping Primate
Part Three Short Answer Questions
Passage E Pigeon Intelligence
Unit 2 Cultural Differences
Part One Reading in Depth
Passage A Culture Clash: Foreign Parents, American Child Rearing..
Passage B Historic Love Letter
Part Two Fast Reading
Passage C How English Became Englishes
Passage D American Lifestyle
PartThree Blanked Cloze
Passage E Queuing on the Titanic
Unit 3 Globalization
Part One Reading in Depth
Passage A In the Name of Life :
Passage B The Other Side of Globalization
Part Two Fast Reading
Passage C American Values
Passage D Science and World Peace:
A Great Blessing to the Humankind
Part Three Short Answer Questions
Passage E How to Make Cheap International Calls
Unit 4 Music and Arts
Part One Reading in Depth
Passage A Eyes Opened to Sound of Socks
Passage B Why Cheap Music Downloads Are Getting Popular
Part Two Fast Reading
Passage C Robby's Piano Lessons
Passage D Top Five European Art Cities
PartThree Blanked Cloze
Passage E How Do You Feel a Love Song
Unit 5 Diet and Health
Part One Reading in Depth
Passage A The Surge of Chinese Food and Culture in the West
Passage B Fast-Food Chains' Responsibility for Overweight
Part Two Fast Reading
Passage C Diet Tips for a Beautiful Female Figure
Passage D Obesity
Part Three Short Answer Questions
Passage E Balancing Fitness and a Busy Work Schedule
Unit 6 Gender
Unit 7 Wealth
Unit 8 Education
Unit 9 Memory
Unit 10 Entertainment and Recreation
