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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语21世纪大学实用英语视听说教程3:教学参考书(U版)



定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 姜荷梅 等编
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材
标 签: 语言文字 语言.文字 英语教学


ISBN: 9787309073645 出版时间: 2010-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 219 字数:  






Unit 1  Expressing Surprise at Meeting Someone
  Section One  Watching, Listening & Speaking
    Video Episode: What a Surprise Meeting You Here!
  Section Two  Intensive Listening
  Section Three  Time for Fun
Unit 2  Stating That You Have Been Busy
  Section One  Watching, Listening & Speaking
    Video Episode: I Don''t Even Have Time to Breathe!
  Section Two  Intensive Listening
  Section Three  Time for Fun
Unit 3  Expressing Personal Interests
  Section One  Watching, Listening & Speaking
    Video Episode : I''m More Interested in Outdoor Activities !
  Section Two  Intensive Listening
  Section Three  Time for Fun
Unit 4  Stating that You Understand and Making Sure
         You Are Understood
  Section One  Watching, Listening & Speaking
     Video Episode : You Know What I Mean?
  Section Two  Intensive Listening
  Section Three  Time for Fun
Unit 5  Stating Your Agreement and Concurrence
  Section One  Watching, Listening & Speaking
     Video Episode: I Couldn''t Agree with You More!
  Section Two  Intensive Listening
  Section Three  Time for Fun
Unit 6  Stating Your Disagreement
  Section One  Watching, Listening & Speaking
     Video Episode : I Don''t Buy that Story at All!
  Section Two  Intensive Listening
  Section Three  Time for Fun
Unit 7  Expressing Acceptance or Refusal
  Section One  Watching, Listening & Speaking
     Video Episode: I''m All for It!
  Section Two  Intensive Listening
  Section Three Time for Fun
Unit 8 Asking Someone to Get to the Point
    and Speak Plainly
  Section One Watching.Listening&Speaking
  Video Episode:Get to the Point!
  Section Two Intensive Listening
  Section Three Time for Fun
