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定 价:¥18.70

作 者: 欧阳俊林 编
出版社: 东华大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787811117073 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 262 字数:  






Unit 1 Nature
Passage 1 Surviving a Tsunami--Lessons from Chile,Hawaii,and Japan
Passage 2 The 1960 Tsunami and the Earthquake in Chile ThatCaused It
Passage 3 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake
Unit 2 Pursuit of Knowledge and Wisdom
Passage 1 A Note on Reading
Passage 2 Books
Passage 3 The Joys of Writing
Unit 3 Education
Passage 1 How Coleges Are Failing Our Students
Passage 2 The Ivory Tower Obscurity Fetish
Passage 3 How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing?
Unit 4 Employment
Passage 1 Four Minutes That Get You Hired
Passage 2 Academy for Amahs
Passage 3 The Most Frequent Fliers
Unit 5 Women's Problems
Passage 1 Woman and Superwoman
Passage 2 In Pursuit of Thinness
Passage 3 Eveline
Unit 6 Life Experiences
Passage 1 How to Grow OId
Passage 2 Welcome to My Day
Passage 3 Joseph Pulitzer Dies Suddenly
Unit 7 People in History
Passage 1 The Secret Life of a Very Private Poet
Passage 2 Memories of My Early Childhood with Willie Nelson
Passage 3 The Crusades
Unit 8 Digital Technology
Passage 1 Textuality in Cyberspace:MUDS and Written Experience
Passage 2 The ABC’S of MP3:A Crash Course in the Digital Music Phenomenon
Passage 3 The Economy of Ideas:A Framework for Patents and Copyrights in the Digital Age
Unit 9 Environment and People
Passage 1 Environment:111e Good News
Passage 2 Three Revolutions in Human Populations
Passage 3 The Culture of Nature
Unit 10 Human Ethics
Unit 11 Values of Thinking
Unit 12 Science and Technology
Unit 13 Socitety
Unit 14 Psychology
Unit 15 Human Relations—Generation Gap,Love,Marriage and Family
Key to Exercises
