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新编大学英语阅读教程(2级 修订版)

新编大学英语阅读教程(2级 修订版)

定 价:¥18.70

作 者: 欧阳俊林 著
出版社: 东华大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787811117097 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 234 字数:  




暂缺《新编大学英语阅读教程(2级 修订版)》作者简介


Unit 1 Mental Health
Passage 1 Depression : Material and Psychological
Passage 2 Dont Let Anger Get the Best of You
Passage 3 New ,Ways to Protect Yourself From Crime
Unit 2 Human Relations
Passage 1 Table Manners
Passage 2 Harry Potter and the Sad Grown-ups
Passage 3 Friendship
Unit 3 Life and Work
Passage 1 Pink or Blue? — Knowing Your Business Style
Passage 2 Putting Your Job Interview into Rehearsal
Passage 3 Your Dream Job: A Click Away
Unit 4 Entertainment
Passage 1 Cartoon Stars: Who Create Them?
Passage 2 Casino Chow
Passage 3 Enjoying Hamburger and Digging up Its History
Unit 5 Information Technology
Passage 1 Schools Face Staff Cuts
Passage 2 Information Age
Passage 3 For Some, the Blogging Never Stops
Unit 6 Economy and Society
Passage 1 Can Anybody Here Play This Game?
Passage 2 China Pays a Price for Cheaper Oil
Passage 3 Price Hike Signals More
Unit 7 Public Health and Social Welfare
Passage 1 Three Objections to the Moral Permissibility of Voluntary Euthanasia
Passage 2 A Ticking Time Bomb
Passage 3 Summertime, When People and Parasites Head for the Water
Unit 8 Technology
Passage 1 Learning How to Make Rain
Passage 2 Caught in the Web of the Internet
Passage 3 The Two Paths of Virtual Reality
Unit 9 Personal Development
Passage 1 How to Find Time to Read
Passage 2 To Learn to Think in College, Write a Lot
Passage 3 Shattering the Glass Ceiling
Unit 10 Urban Reflections
Passage 1 Paris — The City of Light
Passage 2 Music School Offers Free Lessong
Passage 3 On the Meaning of Life
Unit 11 Understanding of Man and World
Passage 1 Whats So Good About Failure?
Passage 2 Mistakes Winners Dont Make
Passage 3 On Time
Unit 12 Glimpse of China
Passage 1 Seeking to Revive China s TV King
Passage 2 The Three Gorges Project
Passage 3 South-to-North Water Diversion Project
Unit 13 Legendary Stories
Passage 1 King Arthur and His Round Table
Passage 2 King Arthur and His Knights
Passage 3 The Phoenix in Mythology
Unit 14 Education
Passage 1 The Kindness of Strangers
Passage 2 Challenge in Childrens Literature
Passage 3 Advice That Can Help You Succeed on Campus
Unit 15 Womens Problems
Passage 1 Beauty Contestant Fights for Right of
Passage 2 Do Women Lack Ambition?
Passage 3 Study: Asian Suicide Rate Higher in Women
Unit 16 Biography
Passage 1 Henry Ford, Inventor and Manufacturer
Passage 2 Steven Spielberg, the Moviemaker
Passage 3 The Death of Socrates
Unit 17 Personal Experiences
Passage 1 Changing the Way You Look at Yourself
Passage 2 Unforgettable Rocky
Passage 3 A Double-Dyed Deceiver
Unit 18 Human History and Culture
Passage 1 Some Theories of History
Passage 2 The Origins of Language and Song
Passage 3 Change: Some Firsts in Human History
Key to Exercises
