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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语大学英语阅读(第3册)



定 价:¥18.00

作 者: 杨学云 著
出版社: 西南交通大学出版社
标 签: 语言文字 语言.文字 英语教学


ISBN: 9787564307387 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 105 字数:  






unit 1 education &civilization
passage 1 (intensive reading)
civilization and culture
passage 2(fast reading)
get in and get out quickly with your dignity intact
passage 3 (appreciation)
john e kennedy
unit 2 job & human touch
passage i (intensive reading)
a strange hitchhiker
passage 2 (fast reading)
gordon brown: i will go on and on
passage 3 (appreciation)
job market stabilizes for business students
unit 3 social problem
passage i (intensive reading)
car crimes
passage 2 (fast reading)
why do women identify themselves as victims of
childhood sexual abuse?
passage 3 (appreciation)
copenhagen——host city of un climate change conference
unit 4 arts & media
passage i (intensive reading)
electronic media
passage 2 (fast reading)
joseph pulitzer
passage 3 (appreciation)
the last supper
unit 5 culture & life
passage 1 (intensive reading)
i\'ve always been mun\'s "angel"
passage 2 (fast reading)
chinese culinary arts celebrated in vancouver
passage 3 (appreciation)
meals of the day
unit 6 health
passage 1 (intensive reading)
body balance
passage 2 (fast reading)
when ordinary symptoms turn serious
passage 3 (appreciation)
rise in pneumonia cases linked to hin1
unit 7 science & technology
passage i (intensive reading)
lie-detector camera looks into your eyes
passage 2 (fast reading)
building confidence
passage 3(appreciation)
is it possible to predict earthquake
unit 8 politics & economy
passage 1 (intensive reading)
the rise of the handyman
passage 2 (fast reading)
a new clean economy——with old sources of energy
passage 3 (appreciation)
bric summit may focus on reducing dollar dependence
