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定 价:¥22.80

作 者: 熊沐清 编
出版社: 上海交通大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787313064400 出版时间: 2010-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 150 字数:  






Unit 1
Passage 1 U.S. Keeps Foreign Ph.D.s
Passage 2 Weighing the Value of That College Diploma
Passage 3 For Families of Hoarders, the Issues Pile Up
Passage 4 Quick Study: Standardized Tests
Unit 2
Passage 1 The Hungarian Connection
Passage 2 Which Stars Sell Fashion?
Passage 3 How Reagan Used Laughter to Get What He Wanted
Passage 4 For America's Santas, It's Hard to Be Jolly With the Tales They're Hearing .
Unit 3
Passage 1 A Young Girl's Gitt
Passage 2 A Little Kindness
Passage 3 Lantern Festival: The 15th Day of the 1st Lunar Month
Passage 4 Daring to Live Your Life Ofltine
Unit 4
Passage 1 The Power of Proportions for Shorter Men
Passage 2 Make Yourself More Lively
Passage 3 Having a Healthy Midlife Crisis
Passage 4 10 Great Memoirs to Read
Unit 5
Passage 1 The Flu Fighters in Your Food
Passage 2 Good News in the Daily Grind
Passage 3 Analysis: Could Health Care Taxes Hurt?
Passage 4 No Easy Feat for Obama to Close Deal on Healthcare Reform
Unit 6
Passage 1 Bofa's Secret of Success: Real Estate
Passage 2 Frugality Key to the Economist's Trade
Passage 3 High Hopes for Low,income Housing
Passage 4 Chinese Govt. Tightens Property Rules
U nit 7
Passage 1 Scientists Boost Longevity of Mice, Monkeys
Passage 2 Can a Tiny Fish Save Your Ears?
Passage 3 Mistakes Your Doctor May Be Making
Passage 4 20 Ways to Lose Weight After the Holidays
Unit 8
Passage 1 7.0 Quake Hits Haiti; "Serious Loss of Life" Expected
Passage 2 The Unluckiest Town in America
Passage 3 Haitian Envoy: Earthquake Levels Most of Capital
Passage 4 Pacific Under Tsunami Threat After Massive 8.8 Quake Strikes Chile
Fast Readingin CET-3
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
