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定 价:¥37.00

作 者: 陈仲利,李德荣,周力 编
出版社: 上海交通大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787313065056 出版时间: 2010-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 200 字数:  






Unit 1 1 - 26
Topic Passage A Grammar Focus Reading Skills
The Secrets of Male Word Building Recognizing
Sincere Friendship Friendships Roots  Paragraph Patterns (I)
Passage B  Passage C  Test Zone Writing and Translation
MSN Messenger   General Principles on Bank Cloze, Writing
Anatomy of Modem Making Friends Error Correction  
Unit2 27-52
Topic Passage A Grammar Focus Reading Skills
Art and Youth Dame Vera Lynn, 92, Word Building  Recognizing
Has UK's No. 1 Album  Roots  Paragraph Patterns (II)
Passage B  Passage C  Test Zone Writing and Translation
The Making of Avatar Bank Cloze, Writing
6 Things You Didn't Interviewing James Error Correction
Know about Pavarotti Cameron  Translation
Unit3 53-79
Topic Passage A Grammar Focus Reading Skills
Word Building - Types of Reading
Focus The Fat and Short of It
Roots Comprehension Questions
Passage B  Passage C  Test Zone Writing and Translation
At Front Lines, Global Bank Cloze, Writing
War on AIDS Is What's Yours Is Mine Error Correction Translation
Falling Apart 
Unit4 80-105
Topic Passage A Grammar Focus Reading Skills
Making Your Job Word Building - Reading Comprehension
Careers Work for You Roots - Finding out the
Main Ideas
Passage B  Passage C  Test Zone Writing and Translation
How a Good Bank Cloze,
Candidate Clears the How to Find a Job Error Correction Translation
Unit5 106-129
Topic Passage A Grammar Focus Reading Skills
Reading Comprehension
Educational System On Education Word Building Questions - Detailed
Passage B  Passage C  Test Zone Writing and Translation
Experience Work, Not Students Held Back Bank Cloze, Translation
Work the System Did Better  Error Correction
Unit6 130-153
Topic Passage A Grammar Focus Reading Skills
Reading Comprehension
Laws and Regulations You Be the Judge Word Building Questions - Finding out
Word or Phrase Meanings
Passage B  Passage C  Test Zone Writing and Translation
More Crime and Less  Crime Rampant in the Bank Cloze, Writing
Punishment American Society Error Correction Translation: LL
Unit7 154-176
Topic Passage A Grammar Focus Reading Skills
Reading Comprehension
Environmental The Next Big Climate Word Building  Questions - Understanding
Protection Challenge Roots
the Implied Meanings
Passage B  Passage C  Test Zone Writing and Translation
NO Easy Way Out  Beijing's Air Is Cleaner, Bank Cloze, Translation
But Far From Clean Error Correction 
Unit 8 177 - 200
Topic Passage A Grammar Focus Reading Skills
Reading Comprehension
Word Building -  Questions - Understanding
Classic Literature How to Grow Old
Roots  the Author's Attitude
and Purpose
Passage B  Passage C  Test Zone Writing and Translation
The Handsome and Rite of Spring  Bank Cloze, Writing:
Deformed Leg Error Correction Translation: 3
