The Creative Communication series of College English textbooks encouragesstudents to be creative and flexible in speaking English, to be aware of intercul-tural aspects of using English and to be prepared for the College English Tests.It is written by a team of authors who have extensive experience of teaching oralEnglish to Chinese university students, and who have a strong background indesigning, writing and using textbooks. It complements the six books in the Cre-ative Reading series of College English textbooks and features:the progressive learning of key words and phrases for oral interaction,with systematic opportunities to practise them flexibly,regular practice in focused listening for detailed information as well asfor implications,the systematic provision of information and insights into cultural aspectsof using English, with participation activities which develop interculturalcommunication skills,the creative application of oral English to develop students abilities toexpress their own ideas and opinions, solve problems, use their imagination, and work collaboratively,regular and systematic practice for College English Tests, typical testformats on the theme of each module.all these will greatly expand students creativity in communication.