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定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 周睿丰 著
出版社: 华中师范大学出版社
丛编项: 外语语言文学系列教材·华大博雅高校教材
标 签: 语言文字 语言.文字 英语教学


ISBN: 9787562240006 出版时间: 2009-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 285 字数:  


  Phonetics is the study of the actua1 sounds of 1anguage.Though there exist various kinds of sound in the human wor1d, in this course we are required to use "sound" in its restricted sense. In other words, we are considering the sounds of 1anguage. Therefore we wi11 not inc1ude sounds made by anima1s or vehic1es in phonetics. Nor sha11 we take into account a person's cough or a baby's hungry cry because they are not sounds of forma1ized 1anguage. In our course of Eng1ish phonetics we wi11 cover the sounds that are meant to be important in communication.




Chapter 1 Vowels
1.1 A Brief Introduction
1.2 Monophthongs
Unit 1/i:/
Unit 2/ff
Unit 3/e/
Unit 4/ae
Unit 5 Review
Unit 6/
Unit 7/a:/
Unit 8/D/
Unit 9/=/
Unit 10/u/
Unit 11/u:/
Unit 12 Review
Unit 13 13:1
Unit 14/a/
Unit 15 Review
1.3 Diphthongs
Unit 16/eI/
Unit 17/aI/
Unit 18/2I/
Unit 19 Review
Unit 20/au/
Unit 21/au/
Unit 22 Review
Unit 23/to/
Unit 24/eo/
Unit 25 Review
Chapter 2 Consonants
2.1 A Brief Introduction
2.2 Consonants
Unit 26/p/
Unit 27/b/
Unit 28/t/
Unit 29/d/
Unit 30/k/
Unit 31/o/
Unit 32/f/
Unit 33/v/
Unit 34/o/
Unit 35/6/
Unit 36/s/
Unit 37/z/
Unit 38/I/
Unit 39/3/
Unit 40/tl/
Unit 41 /ds/
Unit 42/h/
Unit 43/m/
Unit 44/n/
Unit 45/n
Unit 46/j/
Unit 47/w/
Unit 48/1/
Unit 49/r/
Answers t0Exereises
