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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语大学英语快速阅读(初级)



定 价:¥19.60

作 者: 大学英语精品课程组 编
出版社: 浙江工商大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787811400120 出版时间: 2008-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 126 字数:  






Unit One
Passage One International Partnerships
Passage Two The World of Women
Passage Three History of Languages
Unit Two
Passage One Secrets of Magic
Passage Two A Lesson from Housing Bubble
Passage Three Why Do We Like Music?
Unit Three
Passage One Recipe for Health
Passage Two Sources of Energy
Passage Three Internet Generation
Unit Four
Passage One Rocking the House
Passage Two Turning Customers into Fans
Passage Three A Change in Leaf Color
Unit Five
Passage One Riding Sunlight
Passage Two Getting Enough Sleep
Passage Three Survive the Exam Season
Unit Six
Passage One Secrets of Straight-A Students
Passage Two Make your Body Happy at Work
Passage Three Parents Eneh Donate a kidney to Their Son
Unit Seven
Passage One Team-Based Learning
Passage Two Teaching a Computer to Enjoy Art
Passage Three The Mysteries of Mercury
Unit Eight
Passage One Cultivate Better Bonds with Neighbors and Friends
Passage Two Mind-Reading Machines
Passage Three How to Handle chronic Complainers?
Unit Nine
Passage One Choice: Privilege, Opportunity and Responsibility
Passage Two Strong Quake Rattles Buildings and Nerves in S. Calif
Passage Three Literacy Debate: Online, Really Reading?
Unit Ten
Passage One Report: Girls are Equal to Math Test
Passage Two Business Schools Try Palm Scans to Finger Cheats
Passage Three How to Solve the Growing Global Food Crisis——In Three Steps
