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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语新编大学英语阅读教程·四级(第2版)



定 价:¥17.50

作 者: 欧阳俊林 编
出版社: 东华大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787811114010 出版时间: 2008-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 249 字数:  






Unit 1 Education
Passage 1 How Colleges Are Failing Our Students
Passage 2 The Ivory Tower Obscurity Fetish
Passage 3 How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing?
Unit 2 Employment
Passage 1 Four Minutes That Get You Hired
Passage 2 Academy for Amahs
Passage 3 The Most Frequent Fliers
Unit 3 Women' s Problems
Passage 1 Woman and Superwoman
Passage 2 In Pursuit of Thinness
Passage 3 Eveline
Unit 4 Life Experiences
Passage 1 How to Grow Old
Passage 2 Welcome to My Day
Passage 3 Joseph Pulitzer Dies Suddenly
Unit 5 People in History
Passage 1 The Secret Life of a Very Private Poet
Passage 2 Memories of My Early Childhood with Willie Nelson
Passage 3 The Crusades
Unit 6 Digital Technology
Passage 1 Textuality in Cyberspace: MUDS and Written Expernce
Passage 2 The ABC s of MP3 : A Crash Course in the Digital Music Phenomenon.
Passage 3 The Economy of Ideas: A Framework for Patents and Copyrights in the Digital Age
Unit 7 Environment and People
Passage 1 Environment: The Good News
Passage 2 Three Revolutions in Human Populations
Passage 3 The Culture of Nature
Unit 8 Human Ethics
Passage 1 Genetic Encores: The Ethics of Human Cloning
Passage 2 Technology and the Media
Passage 3 Modem Technology and American Values
Unit 9 Values of Thinking
Passage 1 Thinking as a Hobby(Ⅰ)
Passage 2 Thinking as a Hobby (Ⅱ)
Passage 3 The Aesthetic Moment
