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作 者: 王录 著
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 全国商务英语研究会推荐教材
标 签: 大学英语 商务英语 职业/行业英语 英语与其他外语


ISBN: 9787040229219 出版时间: 2007-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 268 字数:  






Unit 1 Pleased to Meet You
Part 1 Listen and Talk
1.Phonetic Practice
1)Sound Recognition
2)Listening Comprehension
2.Oral Practice
3.Laughing Time
Part 2 Read and Think
Tcxt A Forms of Addrcss
Text B Introduction
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 2 Fist Contact
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 3 Visiting the Company
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 4 Business Dinner
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 5 Starying a Business
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 6 The Quality and Quantity of Customers
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 7 Advertising
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 8 E-business
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 9 Distribution
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
Unit 10 Employment
Part 1 Listen and Talk
Part 2 Read and Think
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
Part 4 Extended Activities
