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定 价:¥38.50

作 者: 柳吉良,常淑丽 著
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 新理念高职英语学生用书1
标 签: 高职高专 高职高专英语 教材教辅 外语学习


ISBN: 9787040352900 出版时间: 2012-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 135 字数:  






Unit 1 A Successful Transition from High School to College
Section 1 Warm-up Activities
Section 2 Nice Sound and Excellent Listener
Section 3 FluentSpeaker
Section 4 Good Reader
Section 5 Extended Skills and Knowledge
Section 6 ABC: Months
Section 7 After-classTasks
Unit 2 Colorful College Campus Life
Section 1 Warm-up Activities
Section 2 Nice Sound and Excellent"Listener
Section 3 FluentSpeaker
Section 4 Good Reader
Section 5 Extended Skills and Knowledge
Section 6 ABC: Seven Days in a Week
Section 7 After-classTasks
Unit 3 How Can I Study Well at College
Section 1 Warm-up Activities
Section 2 Nice Sound and E.xcellent Listener
Section 3 FluentSpeaker
Section 4 Good Reader
Section 5 Extended Skills and Knowledge
Section 6 ABC Cardinal Numerals
Section 7 After-class Tasks
Unit4 Good Interpersonal Relationship
Section 1 Warm-up Activities
Section 2 Nice Sound and Excellent Listener
Section 3 FluentSpeaker
Section 4 Good Reader
Section 5 Extended Skills and Knowledge
Section 6 ABC: Ordinal Numerals
Section 7 After-classTasks
Unit5 Knowing About English
Section 1 Warm-up Activities
Section 2 Nice Sound and Excellent List,ener
Section 3 FluentSpeaker
Section 4 Good Reader
Section 5 Extended Skills and Knowledge
Section 6 ABC Personal,Possessive and Reflexive Pronouns
Section 7 After-class Tasks
Unit6 Higher Education
Section 1 Warm-up Activities
Section 2 Nice Sound and Excellent Listener
Section 3 FluentSpeaker
Section 4 Good Reader
Section 5 Extended Skills and Knowledge
Section 6 ABC: Demonstrative and Reciprocal Pronouns
Section 7 After-classTasks
Unit7 Higher Vocational Education
Unit8 What Is an Engineer?
