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定 价:¥15.50

作 者: 杨莉 编
出版社: 中国矿业大学出版社
丛编项: 全国煤炭高职高专成人"十二五"规划教材
标 签: 高职高专 高职高专英语 教材教辅 外语学习


ISBN: 9787564611958 出版时间: 2011-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 140 字数:  






Unit One Entertainment
Section Ⅰ Reading Enjoying Yourself in Hong Kong Disney World
Section Ⅱ Grammar——虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood)
Section Ⅲ writing——询问信(Letters of Inquiry)
Section Ⅳ Self-evaluation Test
Unit TWO Career
Section Ⅰ Reading——Career Planning
Section Ⅱ Grammar——主谓一致(Verb Concord)
Section Ⅲ Writing——便条(Notes)
Section Ⅳ Self—evaluation Test
Unit Three Rieh or Poor
Section Ⅰ Reading——Wealth Gap Widens on Campus
Section Ⅱ Grammar——时态(Tense)
Section Ⅲ writing——辞职信(Letters of Resignation)
Section Ⅳ Self-evaluation Test
Unit Four Credit Card
Section Ⅰ Reading——Who Is Using My Credit Card Today?
Section Ⅱ Grammar——倒装结构(Inversion)
Section Ⅲ Wrmng——告示(Notices)
Section Ⅳ Self—evaluation Test
Unit Five Phoning
Section Ⅰ Reading——Fake Phoning
Section Ⅱ Grammar——名词从句(Noun Clause)
Section Ⅲ Writing——邀请信(Invitation Letters)
Section Ⅳ Self-evaluation Test
Unit Six Living on Land
Section Ⅰ Reading——A Land of Variety and Contrast
Section Ⅱ Grammar——定语从句(Attributive Clause)
Section Ⅲ writing——祝贺信(Congratulation Letters)
Section Ⅳ gelf-evaluation Test
Unit Seven Culture
Section Ⅰ Reading——Culture and Food
Section Ⅱ Grammar——状语从句(Adverbial Clause)
Section Ⅲ writing——备忘录(Memorandums)
Section Ⅳ Self—evaluation Test
Unit Eight Animals
Section Ⅰ Reading——How Do Pigeons See the World?
Section Ⅱ Grammar——情态动词(Modal Verb)
Section Ⅲ writing——借据和收条(IOU and Receipts)
Section Ⅳ Self-evaluation Test
