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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语高职高专实用英语综合教程3(第2版)



定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 柳吉良 著 柳吉良 等编
出版社: 中国财政经济出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育"十一五"国家级规划教材
标 签: 高职高专 高职高专英语 教材教辅 外语学习


ISBN: 9787509527917 出版时间: 2011-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 201 字数:  






Unit 1 Sports
Section Ⅰ Focus on Talking
Section Ⅱ Focus on Listening
Section Ⅲ Reading
Part A Are You a Sport-Ioving Nationl
Part B Everyone Wins With Fitness
Part C Grammar-Adverbial Clauses(Ⅰ)
Section IV Writing
An English Humor
Unit 2 Famous Brands
Section Ⅰ Focus on Talking
Section Ⅱ Focus on Listening
Section Ⅲ Reading
Part A Branding Taiwan's Computers
Part B Haier to Become China's Largest Brand
Part C Grammar-Adverbial Clauses(Ⅱ)
Section Ⅳ: Writing
An English Humor
Unit 3 Environment
Section Ⅰ Focus on Talking
Section Ⅱ Focus on Listening
Section Ⅲ Reading
Part A Noise Pollution
Part B Human Damage to Earth Worsening Fast
Part C Grammar——Non-finite Verbs(Ⅰ)
Section Ⅳ Writing
An English Humor
Unit 4 Food Culture
Section Ⅰ Focus on Talking
Section Ⅱ Focus on Listening
Section Ⅲ Reading
Part A Food and Celebrations
Part B America's Food-As Diverse As Its Culture
Part C Grammar——Non-finite Verbs(Ⅱ)
Section Ⅳ Writing
An English Humor
Unit 5 Health
Section Ⅰ Focus on Talking 
Section Ⅱ Focus on Listening
Section Ⅲ Reading
Part A Why Is Healthy Eating Importantl
Part B How to Look Youngerl
Part C Grammar-Non-jinite Verbs(Ⅲ)
Section Ⅳ Writing
An English Humor
Unit 6 Space
Section Ⅰ Focus on Talking 
Section Ⅱ Focus on Listening
Section Ⅲ Reading
Part A China's First Spaceman-Yang LiWei
Part B NASA Planning Moon Launch for 2018
Part C Grammar-The Subjunctive Mood(Ⅰ)
Section Ⅳ Writing
An English Humor
Unit 7 Fashion
Section Ⅰ Focus on Talking
Section Ⅱ Focus on Listening
SectionⅢ Reading
Part A Fruity Colors: Summer Fashion Trends for 2005
Part B Criteria for a Perfect Woman
Part C Grammar-The Subjunctive Mood(Ⅱ)
Section Ⅳ Writing
An English Humor
Unit 8 Job Interview
Section Ⅰ Focus on Talking
Section Ⅱ Focus on Listening
Section Ⅲ Reading
Part A Loving the Job You Hate
Part B Tips for a Job Interview
Part C Grammar——The Subjunctive Mood(Ⅲ)
Section Ⅳ Writing
An English Humor
