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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语新编实用英语:综合教程4(辽宁版)



定 价:¥27.00

作 者: 贾方,《新编实用英语》(辽宁版)教材编写组 编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787040252613 出版时间: 2008-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 204 字数:  






1 EnglishStudies and Tests
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ Being All Ears
Section Ⅲ Maintaining aSharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Same Language, Different Meanings
Passage Ⅱ Guess Whos Not Coming to Dinner?
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Preparing for Test
Section Ⅵ HavingSome Fun
2 Art of Negotiations
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ BeingAll Ears
Section Ⅲ Maintaining aSharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Art of Negotiations
Passage Ⅱ Watch That FirstStep
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Preparing for Test
Section Ⅵ HavingSome Fun
3 DNA and Cloning
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ Being All Ears
Section Ⅲ Maintaining aSharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ To Clone or Not to Clone
Passage Ⅱ Should We Fear Dolly?
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Preparing for Test
Section Ⅵ HavingSome Fun
4 The IT Age
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ BeingAll Ears
Section Ⅲ Maintaining aSharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Reach Out and TOUCHSomeone Online
Passage Ⅱ Buzzword: Globalization
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Preparing for Test
Section Ⅵ HavingSome Fun
5 Studying Overseas
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ Being All Ears
Section Ⅲ Maintaining aSharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Return to Home Country:A Thirty-Year Perspective from Nigeria
Passage Ⅱ ReturnScholar-Run Businesses Promote Hi-Tech
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Preparing for Test
Section Ⅵ HavingSome Fun
6 Art in Engineering
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ Being All Ears
Section Ⅲ Maintaining aSharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Waht Rhymes with Engineers?
Passage Ⅱ Right or Wrong?
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Preparing for Test
Section Ⅵ HavingSome Fun
7 Environment
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ BeingAll Ears
Section Ⅲ Maintaining aSharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Shrinking WaterSupply Poses Threat to Peace
Passage Ⅱ Save the Plankton
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Preparing for Test
Section Ⅵ HavingSome Fun
8 Cultural Differences and Business Management
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Section Ⅱ Being All Ears
Section Ⅲ Maintaining aSharp Eye
Passage Ⅰ Cultural Differences and Doing Business in Europe and Japan
Passage Ⅱ Dont Cry for New Economy
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Preparing for Test
Section Ⅵ HavingSome Fun
