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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语五年制高等职业教育护理英语教学用书:涉外护理英语扩展教程7(学生用书)



定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 卢凤香,苏萍 著
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 高职高专英语 教材 大学英语 英语与其他外语


ISBN: 9787040244571 出版时间: 2008-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 224 字数:  


  《涉外护理英语扩展教程》旨在提供扩大接触英语的机会,为学生进一步打开使用英语的窗户。大量的阅读材料使学生不仅熟悉语言,更了解各种知识和国外情况。 《涉外护理英语扩展教程》(学生用书)7在第5、6册的基础上,依照《涉外护理英语综合教程》(学生用书)7的难易度进行编写。本册书共分为15个单元,以话题为中心按由易到难顺序编排。每个单元由A、B课文、词汇、词组、注释、课后练习等几个部分组成。A课文可用于课堂讲授,课文的语言难度、篇幅长度等都有别于B课文,学生需要在教师的帮助下才能更好地领会和掌握。B课文可用于学生课后自学。A、B课文后设计了不同类型的练习,如词汇扩展训练,通过前缀、后缀以及词形变化扩充学生基础英语词汇量,特别是医学英语词汇量等。为便于教师和学生使用该教材,每单元的词汇、词组、注释等除标注中英文意思外,还以数字上标形式标注该单词、词组、注释等内容在文中出现的段落。另外,书后均附有课文参考译文以及练习参考答案。




Unit One
Sectiot A  Body Systems
Section B  The Difference a Teacher Can Make
Unit Two
Section A  Disease and Its Causes
Section B  American Hospitality
Unit Three
Section A  Disease-Causing Organisms
Section B  The Nutrients in Food
Unit Four
Section A  What the Skin Does and Tells
Section B  Seven Ways to Keep Fit and Trim
Unit Five
Section A  The Structures and Functions of Bones and Joints
Section B  The Benefits of Keeping Active
Unit Six
Section A  Blood
Section B  Table Manners That Matter
Unit Seven
Section A  Structure of the Heart
Section B  U.S.Independence Day
Unit Eight
Section A  Pulse and Blood Pressure
Section B  The Story of Alfred Nobel
Unit Nine
Section A  Liver
Section B  American Culture:Culture Shock
Unit Ten
Section A  The Stomach and Its Disorders
Section B  Become Healthier with Green Tea
Unit Eleven
Section A  Lungs
Section B  12 Important Tips to Prevent Cold and Flu Infection
Unit Twele
Section A  Ventilation
Section B  Nursing Education in U.K.(Part I)
Unit Thirteen
Section A  Kidneys and Body Chemistry
Section B  Nursing Education in U.K.(Part II)
Unit Fourteen
Section A  Thyroid Gland and Thyroxin
Section B  Introduction to the American Health Care System(Part I)
Unit Fifteen
Section A  Benign and Malignant Tumors
Section B  Introduction to the American Health Care System(Part II)
