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定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 赵锋,杨曼 编
出版社: 航空工业出版社
丛编项: 高职高专"十二五"规划教材
标 签: 外语


ISBN: 9787516500170 出版时间: 2012-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 145 字数:  


  汽车行业对从业人员的英语要求越来越高,为培养新的职业环境下“语言+技能”的复合型人才,我们编写了《汽车实用英语》一书。赵锋、杨曼主编的《汽车实用英语(高职高专十二五规划教材)》共8章,分别是Automobile Basic(汽车基础)、Engine(发动机)、Chassis(底盘)、Body and ElectricalEquipment(车身和电气设备)、Auto Maintaining Equipments(汽车维修设备)、AutoMaintenance(汽车维修)、Automobile Sales and After Service(汽车销售和售后服务)和TheAutomobile's Present andFuture(汽车的现在和未来)。其中第七章汽车销售和售后服务全是实用对话。情景逼真,介绍如何以英语为工作语言进行交凉。《汽车实用英语(高职高专十二五规划教材)》采用中英文对照的讲解方法,结合大量图例,介绍了汽车相关的英语知识,浅显、简明、实用性强,是高职高专汽车类专业的首选教材。




Chapter One Automobile Basic第一章汽车基础 Section One The History and Development ofAutomobile History ofca Timeline 汽车发展史——汽车历史年表 Section Two Famous Auto Brands andAutomake著名汽车品牌和制造商 European Series欧洲车系 American Series美国车系 Asian Series亚洲车系 Homemade Series国产车系 Section Three Automobile Overall Structure汽车总体结构 Section Four Imported Automobile Labels进口汽车标牌 What is a VIN?VIN是什么? Federal Safety Certification Label联邦汽车安全认证标签 Tire Information Label轮胎信息标签 Emission Control Label排放物标牌 Warning Label警示标签 Position ofthe Labels标牌位置Chapter Two Engine第二章发动机 Section One Cylinder Block and Cylinder Head气缸体和气缸盖 Cylinder Block气缸体 Cylinder Head气缸盖 Section Two Piston,Connecting Rods,Crankshaft andFlywheel活塞连杆曲轴和飞轮 Section Three Valve Gear配气机构 Camshaft凸轮轴 Timing belt正时带 Valvetronic无极可变电子气门控制系统 Section Four Engine Fuel System发动机燃油系 Fuel Pump燃油泵 EFI System电控喷油系统 Section Five Ignition System点火系 Section Six Cooling System冷却系 Section Seven Lubrication System润滑系 Section Eight Starting System起动系Chapter Three Chassis第三章底盘 Section One Power Train传动系 Clutch离合器 Tramission变速器 Differential差速器 Drive Shaft传动轴 Section Two Brake System制动系 Master Cylinder制动主缸 Brake Booster制动助力器 Section Three Steering System转向系 Section Four Suspeion and Tires悬架和车轮 Rear Suspeion后悬架 Front Suspeion前悬架 Wheels and Tires车轮和车胎Chapter Four Body and Electrical Equipment第四章车身和电气设备 Section One Vehicle Body Structure轿车车身结构组件 Section Two Vehicle Body Components轿车车身主要零部件 Section Three Itrument Panel仪表盘 Section Four Lighting system照明系统 Section Five Air Conditioning System空调系统 Section Six SRS System安全气囊系统 Section Seven ETC System电子控制变速系统 Section Eight GPS全球定位系统Chapter Five Auto Maintaining Equipments第五章汽车维修设备 Section One Automobile Digital Multimeter汽车专用数字式万用表 How to Measure Voltage如何测量电压 How to Measure Current如何测量电流 How to Measure Resistance如何测量电阻 Section Two Automobile Oscilloscope汽车示波器 Section Three Automobile Decoder汽车解码器 Section Four Engine Analyzer发动机分析仪 Section Five Automobile 4.wheelAligner汽车四轮定位仪 Section Six Automobile Fault Diagnostic Tester汽车故障诊断仪Chapter Six Auto Maintenance第六章汽车维修 Section One DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code)故障诊断码 DTC forA/C System空调系统故障诊断码 DTC for CarAlarm System汽车防盗系统故障码 DTC for SRS安全气囊故障码 DTD for Engine发动机故障码 Section Two Circuit Diagram电路图 Wire Color in Circuit电路图导线颜色 Symbols in Circuit电路图符号 Section Three Selected Reading for Owner's Manual车主手册选读 Cruise Control巡航控制 Suggestio for Economical operation关于经济使用的建议 Driver Supplemental Restraint System--AIRBAG驾驶员辅助保护系统——安全气囊 Section Four Selected Reading for Automobile Maintenance--EngineTroubleshooting汽车维修资料选读——发动机故障排除 Engine overheating发动机过热 Cleaning the Cooling System冷却系的清沈 High Oil Coumption机油消耗过多 Chassis and Engine Vibration底盘和发动机振动 Abnormal Engine Noises and Their Causes发动机异响及其原因Chapter Seven Automobile Sales and After Service第七章汽车销售和售后服务 Section One Introduction ofNew Models车款推介 Section Two ATrial Drive试驾 Section Three Negotiation ofPrice 议价 Section Four Terms ofPayment支付方式 Section Five Reply for Custome’Complaints接受顾客投诉 Section Six Automobile Maintenance汽车维修 Section Seven Use’Feedback用户反馈 Section Eight Car Rental汽车租赁Chapter Eight The Automobile's Present and Future第八章汽车的现状和未来 Section One Auto Show车展 Auto China北京国际汽车展览会 World's Five Largest Auto Shows世界五大车展 Section Two Concept Ca概念车Appendix附录 常用汽车英文缩略语参考文献
