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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科文化地域文化上海的英国文化地图(英文版)



定 价:¥88.00

作 者: 熊月之 等著,Ondi Lingenfelter 译
出版社: 上海文艺出版集团发行有限公司(上海锦绣文章)出版社
标 签: 海派文化


ISBN: 9787545206227 出版时间: 2012-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 120 字数:  


  Overseas friends and visitors who come to Shanghai must wanttolearn how they are culturally tied to this city.To know,toapproach,and to become part of Shanghai-just start your dream tripwith reading our Map of Foreign C.ultures in Shanghai.This book shows you around all historical heritages ofShanghai,which is not really so far away from you.With the guide of miscellaneous maps,you are to meet with aresplendent:profusion of personages,anecdotes,culturallandmarks,famed houses,places of historicalinterest,and socialmores.


  Xiong Yuezhi,Vice-President of Shanghai Academy of SocialSciences,Chair of its Institute of Historical Research, andDirector of itsResearch Center of Chinese Urban History. His majorworksinclude Zhang Taiyan, and the introduction part of AGeneralHistory of Shanghai.


A Bridge to the Outside Worlci
General Preface
The Dynamic Blending of Chinese and Western Culture in Modern
Ⅰ They Hailed from Great Britain
1.Subjects of' the British Crown
2.The Voyage of the Amherst
3.Shanghai Opens Up:Balfour and the Early Design for the ConsulateGeneral
4.Consolidation:From British Settlement to InternationalSettlement
5.British Features of Shanghai
6.Visits to Shanghai by Famous Britons
Ⅱ Dealing with the British
1.From”Barbarian”to”Wcsterner\:Trading One Kind of Inequality forAnother
2.The Public Garden Crisis
3.Communications:Yangkingpang Creek(Pidgin) English andChinese
4.We are Shanghailanders:Celebrating Shanghai's First 50 Years asan Open Port
5.Conflict:The May 30th Movement
Ⅲ Those Shanghailanders
1.A Man and a Publishing House
2.Wescern Medicine:William Lockhart and Lester ChineseHospital
3.The Man Everyone Knexv:The Legendary Life of John Fryer
4.Shanghai's Media Mogul:Ernest Major and his Shen-Pao
5.The Peerless Tycoon:Henry Lester
6.In Search of Dreams:An Englishman's Shanghai Story
Ⅳ Little England in Shanghai
I.What They Ate:A Feast of Chinese-Western Fusion
2.Leisure:Shanghai Kaleidoscope
3.Their Obsession:Everybody Loved Horseracing
4.Reading:A Copy of North China Daily News in Every Hand
Ⅴ British Architecture in Shanghai
1.The English Club:A Gathering Place
Ⅵ England and Shanghaiin the New China
