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定 价:¥20.00

作 者: 刘梅,胡扬政 主编
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 国家示范性高职院校建设成果·职业英语系列
标 签: 财经类


ISBN: 9787302277774 出版时间: 2012-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 126 字数:  






Unit 0ne Business Promotion 实训模块一公司业务推广Practice 1 Introducing the Logistics Company 实训项目1介绍物流公司Practice 2 Visiting the Logistics Company 实训项目2参观物流公司Practice 3 Introducing the Main Business of the Logistics Company 实训项目3介绍物流公司的主要业务Practice 4 Writing E—mail on Company’S Business Promotion 实训项目4撰写与公司业务推广相关的电子邮件Logistics Knowledge 物流小知识Unit Two Customer Service and Day-to-day Communication 实训模块二 客户服务及日常沟通Practice 1 Receiving Client Coultation 实训项目1接受客户咨询Practice 2 Solving the Specific Problems 实训项目2解决具体问题Practice 3 Receiving Custome’Complaints 实训项目3接受客户投诉Practice 4 Dealing with Problems for Custome I 实训项目4为客户处理问题IPractice 5 Dealing with Problems for Custome II 实训项目5为客户处理问题ⅡLogistics Knowledge 物流小知识Case and Improvement 案例与提高Unit Three Packaging Design 实训模块三包装设计Practice 1 Packaging Design of Common Merchandise 实训项目1普通商品的包装设计Practice 2 Packaging Design of Fragile Merchandise 实训项目2易碎商品的包装设计Practice 3 Complaining about the Unreasonable Packaging Design 实训项目3不合理包装设计投诉Practice 4 Complaining about the Improper Packaging Design 实训项目4不恰当包装设计投诉Logistics Knowledge 物流小知识Case and Improvement 案例与提高Unit Four TraportatiOn 实训模块四运输Practice 1 Deciding the Traport Mode 实训项目1决定运输方式Practice 2 Deciding the Traport Route 实训项目2决定运输路线Practice 3 Optimizing the Traport Program 实训项目3优化运输方案Practice 4 Writing E—mail Related to Traportation 实训项目4撰写与物流运输相关的电子邮件Logistics Knowledge 物流小知识Case and Improvement 案例与提高Unit Five Storage 实训模块五仓储Practice 1 Introducing Warehouse and Its Design 实训项目1介绍仓库及其设计Practice 2 Communication on the Storage of Goods 实训项目2储存货物沟通Practice 3 Inventory Management 实训项目3库存管理Practice 4 Communication on Stock Issues 实训项目4库存问题沟通Logistics Knowledge 物流小知识Unit Six Commissioned Carrier 实训模块六委托承运Practice 1 Finding the Carrier 实训项目1寻找承运人Practice 2 Negotiating with the Carrier 实训项目2与承运人谈判Practice 3 Dealing with Related Issues with the Carrier 实训项目3与承运人处理相关事宜Practice 4 Writing E—mail on Carriage of Coignment 实训项目4撰写与货物委托承运相关的电子邮件Logistics Knowledge 物流小知识Case and Improvement 案例与提高Unit Seven Freight Quotatio 实训模块七货运报价Practice 1 Sea Container Rate Quotation 实训项目1海运集装箱报价Practice 2 Air Freight Quotatio 实训项目2航空运费报价Practice 3 Sea-Rail LCL Quotatio 实训项目3海铁联运拼箱报价Practice 4 Writing E—mail Related to Freight Quotatio 实训项目4撰写与货运报价相关的电子邮件Logistics Knowledge 物流小知识Unit Eight Customs Declaration Ipection and Quarantine Report 实训模块八报关及报检Practice 1 Communicatio on the Cargo Declaration 实训项目1货物报关沟通Practice 2 Introducing the Services Provided by the Ipection andQuarantine Report Agency 实训项目2介绍代理报检的服务项目Logistics Knowledge 物流小知识Case and Improvement 案例与提高 Main Documents主要单证参考文献
