1. Make a move(向前向前向前)
2. Adios, my family, my friends and my country (再见了,大家珍重)
3. It’s a long way…(路途遥远)
4. I like the campus (我喜欢这校园)
5. Damn English classes(该死的英语课)
6. Is it the restroom? (这是洗手间么?)
7. A new year(崭新的一年)
8. Challenge the rule(挑战规则)
9. Basketball(篮球)
10. working out at gym(锻炼身体)
11. Hey, where is my flag!!!(嘿,我的国旗呢!)
12. What’s the American’s plan?(美国人的小算盘)
13. Super bowl(超级碗)
14. Copyright(版权)
15. Hilary is coming(希拉里来了)
16. A email that astounds me(触动我心灵的一封邮件)
17. Go back ASAP!(回家,越快越好!)
18.The un-expectable leap(意料之外的收获)
19. Pain in my ass(内心的痛)
20. Dude, what’s up, worship?(哥们,最近怎么样?)
21. OMG, the book price(天哪,书的价钱)
22.Be here a year!(赴美整一年)
23. Driver license(考取驾照)
24. Yes We Can(是的,我们可以)
25. No cheating(不要作弊)
26. Hello, Thanksgiving!(你好,感恩节!)
27. Damn it, too much to show(哎呀,太多要炫耀的)
28. Merry Christmas,Chicago(芝加哥,圣诞快乐)
29. I want a car(我想有辆车)
30. Spring Festival(春节)
31. Come on, baseball(来吧,棒球)
32. Hey, you are so mean!!!(干嘛这种态度!!!)
33. TOEFL(托福考试)
34. Sorry, officer(警官,不好意思)
35. A visit to the new school(新学校一日游)
36. Where to go?(敢问路在何方)
37. Accepted(录取通知)
38.Taking good care of things (整理好自己的资料)
39. How time flies(时光飞逝)
40. Do it right now(别拖延,就现在)
41. Love?!(这就是爱?!)
42. A horrible group(烂透了的小组)
43.Do the right thing(做最正确的事情)
44. Up in the air(并非虚无缥缈)
45. Who’s better on education?(中美教育孰优孰劣?)
46. To-Do List(计划单)
47. Get the wrong time?!(记错时间?!)
48. New teachers(新课程,新老师)
49. Funny misunderstanding(好笑的误解)
50. Do it earlier(提前准备考试)
51. How much do you know about English?(英语知多少?)
52. Banking things(银行业随想)
53.Last quarter(最后一个学期)
54.Darkness before the dawn(黎明前的黑暗)
56. My destiny(命运的宣判)