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定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 王丽娟,张喜秋,胡旭令 著
出版社: 电子工业出版社
标 签: 公共课


ISBN: 9787121179600 出版时间: 2012-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  






Unit 1  Making Small Talks 1
Part A  Communicative Skills: Greetings / Openings andClosings 1
Part B  Topic Discussion: The Pleasures of Life 9
Unit 2  Public Concerns 11
Part A  Communicative Skills: Asking forInformation 11
Part B  Topic Discussion: Computers and Internet 19
Unit 3  Inviting People 21
Part A  Communicative Skills: How to MakeInvitations 21
Part B  Topic Discussion: Food 29
Unit 4  Taking Care of Yourself 31
Part A  Communicative Skills: Communicating with ADoctor 31
Part B  Topic Discussion: Stress 38
Unit 5  Shopping 41
Part A  Communicative Skills: Communicating with ShopAssistant 41
Part B  Topic Discussion: Clothing 47
Unit 6  I’ve Made up My Mind 49
Part A  Communicative Skills: Talking about Plans andIntentions 49
Part B  Topic Discussion: Aims in Life 55
Unit 7  Travel 57
Part A  Communicative Skills: Expressing Your TravellingIdeas 57
Part B  Topic Discussion: Sports 66
Unit 8  Emotion 68
Part A  Communicative Skills: Expressing YourFeelings 68
Part B  Topic Discussion: Fears 76
Unit 9  You Have a Say 78
Part A  Communicative Skills: Voicing Opinions andViews 78
Part B  Topic Discussion: Good Teachers 82
Unit 10  Controlling the Conversation 85
Part A  Communicative Skills: Getting People’s Attention andInterrupting 85
Part B  Topic Discussion: Marriage and Wedding 93
Unit 11  Controversy 95
Part A  Communicative Skills: Agreeing andDisagreeing 95
Part B  Topic Discussion: Television 102
Unit 12  Likes and Dislikes 103
Part A  Communicative Skills: StatingPreferences 103
Part B  Topic Discussion: What Kind of Person areYou? 109
Appendix 111
Reference 113
