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定 价:¥34.00

作 者: 韦夏婵 主编
出版社: 中国旅游出版社
标 签: 旅游


ISBN: 9787503241918 出版时间: 2012-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 216 字数:  






Unit 1 Careers in Hospitality Industry
Ⅰ Reading: The Hospitality Industry
Ⅱ Warm Up: Workplaces in Hospitality Industry
Ⅲ Career Planning
Ⅳ Writing: Resume
Ⅴ Learning More
Unit 2 Travel Agent
Ⅰ Reading: Travel Agency and Travel Agent
Ⅱ Warm Up: Procedure of Travel Inquiry
Ⅲ Dialogues
Ⅳ Listening
Ⅴ Speaking
Ⅵ Writing:Reply to Inquiry Email
Ⅶ Learning More
Unit 3 Meeting Guests
Ⅰ Reading: On the Way to the Hotel
Ⅱ Warm Up: Traveling Abroad
Ⅲ Dialogues
Ⅳ Listening
Ⅴ Speaking
Ⅵ Writing: Welcome Speech
Ⅶ Learning More
Unit4 Receptionist
Ⅰ Reading: Receptionist job Description
Ⅱ Warm Up : Types of Hotels
Ⅲ Dialogues
Ⅳ Listening
Ⅴ Speaking
Ⅵ Writing: Letter of Confirmation
Ⅶ Learning More
Unit5 Concierge
Ⅰ Reading: Concierge Job Description
Ⅱ Warm Up: Jobs of a Concierge
Ⅲ Dialogues
Ⅳ Listening
Ⅴ Speaking
Ⅵ Writing: A Reply to a Complaint Letter
Ⅶ Learning More
Unit 6 Housekeeper
Ⅰ Reading: Housekeeper job Description
Ⅱ Warm Up: Room Facilities
Ⅲ Dialogues
Ⅳ Listening
Ⅴ Speaking
Unit 7 One Button Service
Unit 8 Host and Hostess
Unit 9 Waiter and Waitress
Unit 10 Bartender
Unit 11 Tour Guide 1 On the Way to the Attraction
Unit 12 Tour Guide 2 In the Scenic Spot
Unit 13 Tourist Shopping
Unit 14 Entertainment
Unit 15 Health Care
Unit 16 Farewell
