Shanghai is a world city with demographic and cultural diversityt hanks to its special history and geographical location. However, itsindividualistic local culture has been abating and is on the brink ofdemise over recent years following rapid urbanization. Facing sucha situation, the international version of Shanghai Local Music Cultureaims to help both local students revisit traditional Shanghai culture andinternatlonal students understand authentic Shanghai native music andits role in the multi-cultures and the formation of the unique Shanghai culture.Shanghai Locai Music Culture consists of six chapters that covervarious music forms such as folk songs, dance, local operas, batlad singing (quyi), instrumental music and folk customs, with titles as"Folk Songs in a New Tone", "Blowing and Playing with Hometown Sentiments", "Ballad Singing Arts Rhymed Clear", "Folk Dance for Celebration", "The Wonderful World of Local Operas Gathers Dazzlingly", and "Folk Customs in New Styles". The textbook is classic, modern, integrated and scientific.