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定 价:¥30.00

作 者: 张隆胜,杨虹 主编,范纯海,陶涛 分册主编
出版社: 华中师范大学出版社
标 签: 公共课


ISBN: 9787562255963 出版时间: 2012-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 225 字数:  


  《高等院校英语课程“十二五”规划系列教材:新起点大学英语听说教程3(教师用书)》(starting Anew:cEc Listeningand Speaking)是根据2007年7月教育部高等教育司颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》为普通高等学校学生进行大学英语听说训练而设计编写的教材。《大学英语课程教学要求》指出大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行交际。该教材遵循以学生发展为本的人本主义教育观,力求引导学生充分运用他们的理解能力和逻辑思维能力,加强有意义学习和主动发现语言规律的探索式学习。教材体现了英语语言教学法和语言学研究的最新成果,能切实满足学生提高英语听说能力的迫切需要。




Unit 1 Facing Failures
Part One Getting into the Topic
Part Two Listening Tasks
 Task One Short Conveatio
 Task Two Long Conveatio
  Conveation 1 Mor Talk. Facing Failure
  Conveation 2 Why Most People Give Up and Fail
 Task Three Short Passages
  Passage 1 Failures Are Neutral
  Passage 2 Failure Is Just the Fit Step Towards Success
Part Three Speaking Out
Part Four Testing Youelf
Part Five Enjoying Youelf
 Song Trouble Is a Friend
Unit 2 Laughter
Part One Getting into the Topic
Part Two Listening Tasks
 Task One Short Conveatio
 Task Two Long Conveatio
  Conveation 1 To Stay Healthy
  Conveation 2 Why Do Shy People Avoid SocialSituatiorks?
 Task Three Short Passages
  Passage 1 To Laugh and Play
  Passage 2 Laughing Clubs
Part Three Speaking Out
Part Four Testing Youelf
Part Five Enjoying Youelf
 Song Love Like Laughter
Unit 3 What's Your Favorite Song?
Part One Getting into the Topic
Part Two Listening Tasks
 Task One Short Conveatio
 Task Two Long Conveatio
  Conveation 1 Jazz and Classical Music
  Conveation 2 What's Your Favorite Song?
 Task Three Short Passages
  Passage 1 Music
  Passage 2 Jazz
Part Three Speaking Out
Part Four Testing Youelf
Part Five Enjoying Youelf
 Song Music and Me
Unit 4 Women Like Shopping
Part One Getting into the Topic
Part Two Listening Tasks
 Task One Short Conveatio
 Task Two Long Conveatio
  Conveation 1 You're Obsessed with Cotton
  Conveation 2 Wearing a Suit
 Task Three Short Passages
  Passage 1 Tips for Shopping
  Passage 2 Colo Work
Part Three Speaking Out
Part Four Testing Youelf
Part Five Enjoying Youelf
 Song The Show
Unit 5 Traffic Accidents
Part One Getting into the Topic
Part Two Listening Tasks
 Task One Short Conveatio
 Task Two Long Conveatio
  Conveation 1 Where to Park?
  Conveation 2 An Accident
 Task Three Short Passages
  Passage 1 Driver Fatigue
  Passage 2 Crossing the Road Safely
Part Three Speaking Out
Part Four Testing Youelf
Part Five Enjoying Youelf
 Song Traffic in the Sky
Unit 6 I've Been Laid Off!
Part One Getting into the Topic
Part Two Listening Tasks
 Task One Short Conveatio
 Task Two Long Conveatio
  Conveation 1 How Is Your Work?
  Conveation 2 Job Market
 Task Three Short Passages
  Passage 1 How to Keep Your Job in Good Standing
  Passage 2 Finding a Job in a Struggling Economy
Part Three Speaking Out
Part Four Testing Youelf
Part Five Enjoying Youelf
 Song I'll Be There
Unit 7 I Am Ambitious
Part One Getting into the Topic
Part Two Listening Tasks
 Task One Short Conveatio
 Task Two Long Conveatio
  Conveation 1 Living in Space
  Conveation 2 What Is Your Dream?
 Task Three Short Passages
  Passage 1 You Can Make a Difference
  Passage 2 Be Ambitious
Part Three Speaking Out
Part Four Testing Youelf
Part Five Enjoying Youelf
 Song Dream On
Unit 8 ! Am Still Single
Part One Getting into the Topic
Part Two Listening Tasks
 Task One Short Conveatio
 Task Two Long Conveatio
  Conveation 1 Is That True?
  Conveation 2 A Blind Date
 Task Three Short Passages
  Passage 1 Looking for Mr. Right
  Passage 2 The Man Who Loved Women
Part Three Speaking Out
Part Four Testing Youelf
Part Five Enjoying Youelf
 Song Love and Marriage
Unit 9 Overpopulation
Part One Getting into the Topic
Part Two Listening Tasks
 Task One Short Conveatio
 Task Two Long Conveatio
  Conveation 1 Population Problem
  Conveation 2 Causes of Overpopulation
 Task Three Short Passages
  Passage 1 The Growth in Population
  Passage 2 Population in America
Part Three Speaking Out
Part Four Testing Youelf
Part Five Enjoying Youelf
 Song We Are the World
Unit 10 Crime
Part One Getting into the Topic
Part Two Listening Tasks
 Task One Short Conveatio
 Task Two Long Conveatio
  Conveation 1 Be Tough on Crime
  Conveation 2 Drive to the Party?
 Task Three Short Passages
  Passage 1 Drunk Driving
  Passage 2 Accusation
Part Three Speaking Out
Part Four Testing Youelf
Part Five Enjoying Youelf
 Song Where Is the Love
