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全国英语等级考试标准教程(第四级 全新版)

全国英语等级考试标准教程(第四级 全新版)

定 价:¥60.00

作 者: 教育部考试中心 编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 全国公共英语等级考试PETS


ISBN: 9787040302943 出版时间: 2011-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 462 字数:  




暂缺《全国英语等级考试标准教程(第四级 全新版)》作者简介


Chapter 1 Health and Body Care Unit 1 Physical Health Unit 2 Mental HealthChapter 2 Family Unit 3 Family Life Unit 4 Love and MarriageChapter 3 People and Business Unit 5 Peonal Relatiohips Unit 6 BusinessChapter 4 History Unit 7 PeopJe in History Unit 8 Events in HistoryChapter 5 Jobs and Services Unit 9 Jobs Unit 10 ServicesChapter 6 Education Unit 11 Elementary and Secondary Education Unit 12 Higher EducationChapter 7 People Unit 13 Peonal Identification Unit 14 Famous PeopleChapter 8 Government and Law Unit 15 Law and Justice Unit 16 GovernmentChapter 9 Science Unit 17 Popular Science Unit 18 Social ScienceChapter 10 Leisure Time Activities Unit 19 Travel and Traportation Unit 20 Art and EntertainmentChapter 11 Society and Culture Unit 21 Social Issues Unit 22 CultureChapter 12 Environment Unit 23 Nature World Unit 24 Approaching a Sustainable FutureScriptsKeys
