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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术建筑科学建筑史道教建筑(英文版)



定 价:¥128.00

作 者: Qiao Yun 著
出版社: 中国建筑工业出版社
标 签: 宗教建筑/皇家建筑


ISBN: 9787112147007 出版时间: 2012-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 199 字数:  






Map of Distribution of Taoist BuildingsGuide Map of the Area Around the Dai Temple on Mount TaiEditor's NotePreface 1Preface 2General introductionThe Beginnings of Taoism in China and its Essence--Puuit of Immortality, the World of Deities and TaoistsI. Origi and Evolution of TaoismII. Faith and Theology of TaoismIII. System of Deities and Immortals in TaoismIV. Taoist Functional Potency and Miraculous ArtsOutline of Taoist Architecture--Characteristics of Design and Norms, from Zhi, Jing to thePalatial MonasteryI. Architectural Design and NormsII. Site Selection and DeploymentIn. Architectural LayoutIV. Structure and CotructionV. ArchitectureThe Grotto Haven, Blessed Sanctuary and Taoist Monastery--Places for Offering Sacrifice, Practicing Asceticism, Preachingand Ceremonial PrayerI. Fifth Grotto Haven on the Mount of Verdvant Land ~II. Eighth Grotto Haven on Mount MaoIII. Celestial Maste' Residence on the Mount of the Dragon andTigerIV. Dai TempleV. Memorial Shrine of Azure Glow on Mount TadVI. The Abbey of Jade Spring on Mount HuaVII. Gazebo Terrace, the Prime Blessed Sancmal;yVIII. Palaces and Temples on Mount WudangIX. Palace of Everlasting BlissX. Palace of Absolute Purity on Mount LaoXI. Palace of the Blue Goat in ChengduXII. Monastery of White Clouds in BeijingNotes on the PhotographsNortheast ChinaJade Emperor Maion in the Palace of Absolute Purity, Shenyang,LiaonlngHall of Lord Guan in the Palace of Absolute Purity, Shenyang,LiaonlngGrand Hall in the Palace of Absolute Purity, Shenyang, LiaouingNorth ChinaMemorial Gateway of Watching Sta in the Monastery of White Clouds,BeijingFront Gate of the Monastery of White Clouds, BeijingHall of the Divine Guarding General in the Monastery of WhiteClouds, BeijingHall of the Jade Emperor in the Monastery of White Clouds, BeijingHall of the Three Pure and Quiet Ones and Four Celestial Lord Aidesin the Monastery of White Clouds, BeijingInterior of the Hall of the Jade Emperor in the Monastery of WhiteClouds, BeiiingInterior of the Hall of the Founder Forefather Qiu in the Monasteryof White Clouds, Beijing ...Pavilion of Befriending the Crane in the Monastery of White Clouds,BeijingMemorial Gateway in the Dad Temple, Taian, ShandongMaion of Retreat in the Monastery of White Clouds, BeijingGate of Benevolent Peace in the Dai Temple, Taian, ShandongInterior of the Hall of the Heavenly Present, Dad Temple, Taian,ShandongStatue of the Lord of the Eastern Sacred Mountain in the Hall ofthe Heavenly Present, Dad Temple, Taian, ShandongMural in the Hall of the Heavenly Present in Dai Temple, Tadan,ShandongMural Depicting the Lord of Mount Tad in the Hall of the HeavenlyPresent, Dai Temple, Tadan, ShandongPavilion Housing the Imperial Stone Stele, Dad Temple, .Tadan,ShandongDetail of the Hall of the Heavenly Present and Iron Incee Burner inthe Dad Temple, Taian, ShandongCorner Tower of the Dal Temple, Talan, ShandongGate of the Dee and Sustainable, Dad Temple, Talan, ShandongSouth Heavenly Gate and Stai to Heaven on Mount Tad, Taian,ShandongSide View of the Memorial Shrine of Azure Glow on Mount Tad, Tadan,ShandongRavine of the Icribed Rocks on Mount Tad, Talan, ShandongEpigraph Honoring Talshan Engraved on Mount Tad, Tadan, ShandongJade Emperor Summit on Mount Tad, Tadan, ShandongPond of the Queen Mother of the West on Mount Tai, Taian, ShandongPalace of the Queen Mother of the West at the Pond on Mount Tai,Taian, ShandongGreat Hall in the Temple of the Central Sacred Mountain, Dengfeng,HenanSouth Heavenly Gate on the Mount of the Heavenly Altar, Jiyuan,HenanPalace of the Overt Terrace on the Mount of the Heavenly Altar,Jiyuan, HenanHall of the Highest Heaven in the Three Realms, Palace of the OvertTerrace, Mount of the Heavenly Altar, Jiyuan, HenanInterior of the Hall of the Highest Heaven in the Three Realms,Palace of the Overt Terrace, Mount of the Heavenly Altar, Jiyuan, HenanRoof Corner and Dougong of the Gloriette of the Jade Emperor in thePalace of the Overt Terrace, Mount of the Heavenly Altar, Jiyuan, HenanEave and Peristyle Column of the Gloriette of the Jade Emperor inthe Palace of the Overt Terrace, Mount of the Heavenly Altar, Jiyuan, HenanDougong of the Hall of the Three Pure and Quiet Ones in the Palaceof Everlasting Bliss, Ruicheng, ShanxiHall of the Three Pure and Quiet Ones in the Palace of EverlastingBliss, Ruicheng, ShanxiHall of Chunyang in the Palace of Everlasting Bliss, Ruicheng,ShanxiHall of Chongyang in the Palace of Everlasting Bliss, Ruicheng,ShanxiMural of Lord Gouchen in the Hall of the Three Pure and Quiet Ones,Palace of Everlasting Bliss, Ruicheng, ShanxiMural Depicting the Visit to the Temple of Mount Bleak in the Hallof Chunyang, Palace of Everlasting Bliss, Ruicheng, ShanxiMural of the Deities of Eight Trigrams in the Hall of the ThreePure and Quiet Ones, Palace of Everlasting Bliss, Ruicheng, ShanxiMural of \Zhongli Quan Converting Lu Yan\ in the Hall of Chunyang,Palace of Everlasting Bliss, Ruicheng, ShanxiMural in the Great Hall, Temple of the Deity of Water, Hongdong,ShanxiStatue of the Deity of Water in the Great Hall, Temple of the Deityof Water, Hongdong, ShanxiStone Tablet of \the Prime Blessed Sanctuary Under Heaven\, GazeboTerrace, Zhouzhi, ShaanxiFront Gate of the Palace of the Ancestral Sages, Gazebo Terrace,Zhouzhi, ShaanxiHall of Lord Lao, Gazebo Terrace, Zhouzhi, ShaanxiPavilion of Reaching Heaven in the Abbey of Jade Spring, Mount Hua,Huayin, ShaanxiIcribed Rock, Abbey of Jade Spring on Mount Hua, Huayin, ShaanxiStone Boat, Abbey of Jade Spring, Mount Hua, Huayin, ShaanxiLong Gallery in the Palace of the Eight Celestials, Xi'an, ShaanxiHall of the Eight Celestials in the Palace of the Eight Celesrials,Xi'an, ShaanxiHal/of the Goddess Mother of the Great Dipper, Palace of the EightCelestials, Xi'an, ShaanxiHall of the Founder Forefather Qiu, Palace of the Eight Celestials,Xi'an, ShaanxiTall Temple in Zhongwei, Zhongwei, NingxiaCentral ChinaHall of the Three Pure and Quiet Ones, Monastery of Abstruseness,Suzhou, JiangsuTemple Gate, Palace of Supreme Heavenly Bliss on Mount Mao, Jurong,JiangsuHall of Supreme Origin in the Palace of Supreme Heavenly Bliss,Mount Mao, Jurong, JiangsuFront View of the Palace of Prime Charm on Mount Mao, Jurong,JiangsuFront Gate of the Abbey of Baopu, Hangzhou, ZhejiangRed Plum Pavilion in the Abbey of Baopu, Hangzhou, ZhejiangEight Trigrams Gateway in the Magic Spirit Fungus Garden, CelestialMaster Residence, Mount of the Dragon and Tiger, Guixi, JiangxiMain Hall of the Celestial Master Residence, Mount of the Dragonand Tiger, Guixi, JiangxiGolden Summit of Mount Wudang, Danjiangkou, HubeiGolden Hall of Mount Wudang, Danjiangkou, HubeiSouth Escarpment Palace of Mount Wudang, Danjiangkou, HubeiPurple Clouds Palace of Mount Wudang, Danjiangkou, HubeiImperial Stone Tablet in the Palace of Jade Emptiness, MountWudang, Danjiangkou, HubeiEscarpment of Jade Emptiness, Mount Wudang, Danjiangkou, HubeiFront Gate of the Monastery of Recurring to Trueness, Mount Wudang,Danjiangkou, HubeiEight Trigrams Pavilion, Palace of the Blue Goat, Chengdu, SichuanFront Gate of the Palace of the Blue Goat, Chengdu, SichuanHall of the Tang Prince, Palace of the Blue Goat, Chengdu, SichuanFront Gate to the Palace of Blessedness, Mount of Verdant Land,Duiiangyan, SichuanEntrance Gate to the Mount of Verdant Land, Dujiangyan, SichuanFront Gate to the Palace of Supreme Purity, Mount of Verdant Land,Dujiangyan, SichuanMemorial. Gateway of the \Cdesdal Trail\, Mount of Verdant Land,Duiiangyan, SichuanOuter Gate to the Celestial Maste' Grotto on the Mount of VerdantLand, Dujiangyan, SichuanAppendicesGlossaryChronology of Major Events in the History of Chinese Architecture
