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高职高专英语综合教程(第1册 学生用书)

高职高专英语综合教程(第1册 学生用书)

定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 项伙珍 编
出版社: 科学出版社
丛编项: 高等教育"十二五"规划教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787030346773 出版时间: 2012-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 254 字数:  


  《高等教育“十二五”规划教材·高职高专公共管理基础课教材系列:高职高专英语综合教程(第1册)(学生用书)》共有10个单元,符合高校课程设置的要求,注意各章节内容配置均衡,便于专题学习。每个单元包括Listening&Speaking(听说训练)、Intensive Reading (精读课文)、Grammar(语法知识)、Writing(写作练习)和Extensive Reading(扩展阅读)等5个部分,精选了与学习、生活紧密相关的文章进行讲解。《高等教育“十二五”规划教材·高职高专公共管理基础课教材系列:高职高专英语综合教程(第1册)(学生用书)》选题内容广泛,集科学、趣味于一体,重点要求学生掌握和提高英语的语言能力、交际能力和写作能力,实用性强。《高等教育“十二五”规划教材·高职高专公共管理基础课教材系列:高职高专英语综合教程(第1册)(学生用书)》可作为高职高专英语教学的学生用书,也可以作为相关职业培训班的参考用书。


暂缺《高职高专英语综合教程(第1册 学生用书)》作者简介


Unit 1 College
Listening & Speaking
Reading A College Life
Grammar Word Formation
Writing Writing of Envelope
Reading B The Best Years ofYour Life
Reading C Turning in Your Assignment on Time
Unit 2 Sports
Listening & Speaking
Reading A The Spirit ofthe Olympic Games
Grammar Sentence Parts
Writing Writing of English Letters
Reading B Pierre Fredy, Baron de Coubertin
Reading C A Disappointing Adventure
Unit 3 Environment
Listening & Speaking
Reading A Shrinking Water Supply Poses Threat to Peace
Grammar Noun
Writing Business Card
Reading B Noise Killer of Mankind
Reading C Air Pollution
Unit 4 Music
Listening & Speaking
Reading A HipHop
Grammar Verb
Writing Resume
Reading B Pop Music ofAmerica
Reading C Heavy Metal & Hard Rock
Unit 5 Holidays
Listening & Speaking
Reading A New Year Traditions all around the World
Grammar Adjective and Adverb
Writing Applying Form
Reading B Easter Day
Reading C Christmas Celebrations around the World
Unit 6 Manners
Listening & Speaking
Reading A Grooming and Personal Hygiene
Grammar Numeral, Conjunction, Preposition
Writing Email
Reading B Western Table Manners
Reading C Chinese Table Manners
Unit 7 Culture
Listening & Speaking
Reading A Chewing Gum
Grammar Determiner
Writing Letters of Job Application
Reading B Chinese Tea
Reading C The Pressure of Marriage
Unit 8 Internet
Listening & Speaking
Reading A The Web Lifestyle
Grammar Tense
Writing Letters of Recommendation
Reading B Computer
Reading C The Use of Computer
Unit 9 Travel
Unit 10 Friendship
