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新编大学英语:快速阅读(3 第3版)

新编大学英语:快速阅读(3 第3版)

定 价:¥19.90

作 者: 史宝辉,訾缨,高月琴 等编
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
标 签: 大学教材教辅 大学英语 教材教辅 外语学习


ISBN: 9787513520928 出版时间: 2012-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 132 字数:  




暂缺《新编大学英语:快速阅读(3 第3版)》作者简介


Unit 1 Personality
Passage Ⅰ Personality Type and Relationship Success
Passage Ⅱ What Makes a Good Teacher?
Passage Ⅲ Your Personality Color
Unit 2 Myths and Legends
Passage Ⅰ The Lady ofVan Lake-A Welsh Legend
Passage Ⅱ Jason's Adventure: a Greek Myth
Passage Ⅲ Fox in Fables and Folklore
Unit 3 Social Problems
Passage Ⅰ Teens and the Internet: How Much Is Too Much?
Passage ll Eating Disorders in the Young
Passage Ⅲ Three News Stories Concerning Social Problems
Unit 4 Career Planning
Passagel Getting My First Job Was a Pain in the Butt!
Passage Ⅱ How to Shine at a Job Interview
Passage Ⅲ A New Grad's Job-Seeking Story
Unit 5 Language
Passage Ⅰ Can You Understand English?
Passage Il How to Read in a Foreign Language
Passage Ⅲ What's the Language of the Future?
Unit 6 Man and Animals
Passage Ⅰ Vitamin P: How Pets Keep You Healthy and Add Years to Your Life
Passage Ⅱ The Cleverest Animals
Passage Ⅲ Useful Companions
Unit 7 The Joy of Travel
Passage Ⅰ Guide to World-Famous Sights
Passage Ⅱ The Silk Road
Passage Ⅲ Education Out of School
Unit 8 Nature and Nurture
Passage Ⅰ Genes and Our Health
Passage Ⅱ Genes and Behavior: A Twin Legacy
Passage Ⅲ Twins in School, Together or Apart?
Unit 9 Music
Passage Ⅰ Different Types of Music
Passage Ⅱ Don't Scowl, Beethoven,You're Loved
Passage Ⅲ Music and Its Effects
Unit 10 Re们ections on Life
Passage Ⅰ My View on Reflections of Life
Passage Ⅱ Daddy Tucked the Bla n ket
Passage Ⅲ Life Lessons Ⅰ have Learned from People All over the World
Answer Keys
