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F8 Audit and Assurance Studytext F8 审计与认证业务课本ACCA(INT 国际版)

F8 Audit and Assurance   Studytext F8 审计与认证业务课本ACCA(INT 国际版)

定 价:¥220.00

作 者: BPP Learning Media
出版社: 华中科技大学出版社
标 签: 英国特许公认会计师ACCA


ISBN: 9787560976419 出版时间: 2012-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 442 字数:  


  BPP LearningMedia所著的《F8审计与认证业务(国际版ACCA课本)》旨在让学员了解并领会审计签证业务的实施过程及其应用。经由考官审核,囊括所有你需要知道的有关本课的内容,包括洋尽的考试指南和测验卷习题。题库中的习题与F8考题形式一致,每个章节还包含实用考点。课本全面详尽的介绍了审计和签证业务的主要职业和规定的内容,随后以外部审计程序作为例子,探讨了重要的签证业务。


暂缺《F8 Audit and Assurance Studytext F8 审计与认证业务课本ACCA(INT 国际版)》作者简介


IntroductionHelping you to pass - the ONLY F8 Study Text reviewed by theexaminer!Studying F8The exam paperPart A Audit framework and regulation1 Audit and other assurance engagements2 Statutory audit and regulation3 Corporate governance4 Professional ethicsPart B Internal audit5 Internal auditPart C Planning and risk assessment6 Risk assessment7 Audit planning and documentation8 Introduction to audit evidencePart D Internal control9 Internal control10 Tests of controlsPart E Audit evidence11 Audit procedures and sampling12 Non-currentassets13 Inventory14 Receivables15 Cash and bank16 Liabilities, capital and directo' emoluments17 Not-for-profit organisatioPart F Review18 Audit reviewand finalisationPart G Reporting19 ReportsExam question bankExam awer bankIndexReview form
