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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术建筑科学建筑史北京颐和园(英文版)



定 价:¥88.00

作 者: 贾珺 著
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 中国古代建筑知识普及与传承系列丛书·北京古建筑五书
标 签: 中国古建筑与施工技术

ISBN: 9787302290896 出版时间: 2012-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 316 字数:  






A Brief Introduction to the Summer Palace
Part Ⅰ The Clear Ripple Garden
Chapter Ⅰ The Construction Process and Historical Background
[1] An Imperial Order from Emperor Qianlong
[2] The Um Hill and the West Lake
[3] The Clear Ripple Garden
[4) The Motivation for the Project
[5] The Gigantic Project
Chapter Ⅱ The General Layout and Spatial Structure
[1] The West Lake Obsession
[2] The Landform Reconstruction
[3] The Six Bridges of West Causeway
[4] The Lingering Flavors of Graceful Qiantang
[5] Fusion of Hill Sceneries and Waterscapes
Chapter Ⅲ The Court Area and Front Hill Buildings
[1] The Diligence Hall and Joyful Longevity
[2] Long Corridor
[3] The Temple of Immense Gratitude and Longevity
[4] The Towering Pavilion
[5] The Glazed World
[6] A Strollin Paintings
Chapter Ⅳ Sceneries of the Front Lake and the Rear Hill and Back River
[1] On Kunming Lake
[2] Fairy Mountains on the Ocean
[3] Sinuous Stream Flows to Serene Place
[4] Rear Hill Sceneries
[5] Waterfront Buy-and-Sell Streets
[6] The Sumeru Wise Land
[7] The Colorful Pagoda
Chapter Ⅴ The Charming Design Concept
[1] Landscape Miniaturization
[2] Rockworks and Artificial Hills
[3] Majestic Passes
[4] Cultivation of Garden Plants
[5] Sceneries Borrowed from the Outside
[6] Symbolic Meanings and Morals
[7] Tourist Land Ways and Water Routes
Part ⅡThe Summer Palace
Chapter Ⅵ The Reconstruction Process and Historical Background
[1] The Weather-beaten Royal Garden
[2] A Birthday Gift for Empress Dowager
[3] The Restoration and Reconstruction
[4] An Ingenious Masterpiece
[5] The Wuxu Reform and Gengzi Indemnity
List of Illustrations
