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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语大学英语快速阅读1(第三版)



定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 张强乾 主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: 大学教材教辅 大学英语 教材教辅 外语学习


ISBN: 9787301208687 出版时间: 2012-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 133 字数:  






Unit 1 College and University
Passage 1 Choosing Between a College and a University
Passage 2 Going to College
Passage 3 Harvard University
Passage 4 The Diversity ofMy University Life
Unit 2 Animals
Passage 1 Many Animal Populations Facing Threats
Passage 2 My Speech
Passage 3 0bject to Human Killing Animals
Passage 4 Whales
Unit 3 Diet and Shopping
Passage 1 Soup
Passage 2 Drink Water, Lose Weight
Passage 3 Shopping on Cell-phone
Passage 4 Reducing the Anxiety ofPaying Online
Unit 4 Festivals
Passage 1 Five Questions on the Origins of Christmas
Passaae 2 Easter
Passag 3 Valentine's Day
Passage 4 Double Seventh Festival
Unit 5 Famous People
Passage 1 Helen Keller
Passage 2 A Great Composer
Passage 3 Hero ofthe Black
Passage 4 Steve Jobs
Unit 6 Languages
Passage 1 Efficient Reading
Passage 2 Words Can Give You Power
Passage 3 Words that Camouflage
Passage 4 A Living Language ofEnglish
Unit 7 Science and Technology
Passage 1 Genetic Engineering: for Better or Worse?
Passage 2 Ageism
Passage 3 Improve Your Memory
Passage 4 Science
Unit8 Arts
Passage 1 Four Goals in Our Life
Passage 2 Pandora' s Box
Passage 3 Marianne Moore
Passage 4 That's Life
Keys to Comprehension Exercises
