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定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 王健坤 主编
出版社: 对外经贸大学出版社
标 签: 大学教材教辅 大学英语 教材教辅 外语学习


ISBN: 9787566303066 出版时间: 2012-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 239 字数:  






Unit 1 Beginning of a New Life
Text A EnteringUniversity
Text B Of Studies
Text C Reflections on Life
Unit 2 Starting the Dream
Text A Making the Dream a Reality
Text B Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Dream
Text C Dreams Need Nutrition
Unit 3 Learning From Heroes
Text A Whatlt Means to Be a Hero
Text B A Nobel Prize Winner
Text C A Legend in IT Industry
Unit 4 A Major Decision
Text A Some Majors in The University of Utah
Text B Choosing a Majorls a Heavy Decision
Text C Within Your Reach
Unit 5 How to Pay for It All
Text A Earning a Degree
Text B AWinning Thesis
Text C Defending Your Work
Unit 6 Understanding Yourself
Text A At the Beginning of the Progress
Text B If You Carry on
Text C Managing Yourself
Unit 7 Firushing Strong
Text A The Arduous joumey
Text B Choosing to Be Cheerful
Text C Life Needs Enthusiasm
Unit 8 Getting Information
Text A News Reading
Text B Business News
Text C Canadian Press
Unit 9 Travelling
Text A Circle Tour
Text B Visit Merritt
Text C Funny Summerland
