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作 者: (美)努南(David.Nunan)(美)安德森(Neil J.Anderson)编
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 英语教师职业发展前沿论丛
标 签: 外语 英语专项训练 阅读


ISBN: 9787302304227 出版时间: 2013-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 182 字数:  






从书总序(王守仁) 中文导读(郭海云) acknowledgements foreword chapter one what is reading? 1. introduction 2. what is reading? 3. conclusion further readings helpful websites references chapter two reading for beginning level learners 1. introduction 2. syllabus design issues 3. principles for teaching reading to beginninglearners 4. tasks and materials 5. reading inside and outside of the classroom 6. assessing beginning readers .7. conclusion further readings helpful websites references chapter three reading for intermediate level learners 1. introduction 2. syllabus design issues 3. principles for teaching reading to intermediatelearners 4. tasks and materials 5. reading inside and outside of the classroom 6. assessing intermediate readers. 7. conclusion further readings helpful websites references chapter four reading for advanced level learners 1. introduction 2. syllabus design issues 3. principles for teaching reading to advancedlearners 4. tasks and materials 5. reading inside and outside of the classroom 6. assessing advanced readers 7. conclusion further readings helpful websites references chapter five key issues in teaching reading 1. introduction 2. top-five lists of priorities for teachers ofreading 3. the role of reading strategies 4. the importance of bottom-up reading skills 5. the need for both silent and ora reading fluency 6. the need for more extensive reading 7. the need for professional development for teachers ofreading 8. conclusion further readings helpful websites references appendix 1 appendix 2 appendix 3 glossary index credits 
