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当前位置: 首页出版图书经济管理管理商务实务商务英语函电第2版



定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 王维平,王黎明 主编
出版社: 机械工业出版社
标 签: 商业英语 外语 行业英语


ISBN: 9787111410478 出版时间: 2013-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 211 字数:  


  《商务英语函电(第2版普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材)》是普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,是省级精品课程“外贸英语 函电”的配套教材,是根据高等职业教育“强化技能,贴近岗位”的特点 和要求,在第1版基础上修订而成的。本书内容涵盖商务书信基础知识以及建立业务 关系、商务谈判、订立合同、付款方式、包装、保险、装运、投诉和索赔等外贸 业务流程。每章涉及一个外贸行业,遵循了“应用性原则”,突出了外贸信函技能的 训练。每章包括学习目标、背景知识、案例分析(常用短语和典型例句、样信)、小技 巧、补充阅读、常犯错误、生词表、行业词汇、信函注释及练习等10个部分。 《商务英语函电(第2版普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材)》可作为高等职业院校商务英语、国际贸易等相关专业的教材,也可作为在 职人员的培训用书,还可作为成人高校学生的自学用书。 本教材由王维平、王黎明任主编,蒋轶阳、徐瑾任副主编,邱素芬任主审;方宁、潘颖华、徐秋萍、伍聂、钱律伟、李宏磊、王可飞参与编写 并制作PPT课件;王黎明、蒋轶阳、徐瑾进行校稿;王维平对全书作了最后定稿。




第2版前言 Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Business Communication  1.1 Letter  1.2 Fax  1.3 E—mail  1.4 Other Commonly Used Methods of Communication  Additional Reading  Common Errors Made by Students  Vocabulary  Supplementary Vocabulary for Garments  Exercises Chapter 2 Establishing Business Relations  Case Study  Additional Reading  Common Errors Made by Students  Vocabulary  Supplementary Vocabulary for Toys  Notes to Text  Exercises Chapter 3 Business Negotiation  Part 1 Enquiries and Replies  Part 2 0ffers  Part 3 Counter Ofiers and Re.counter Offers  Part 4 Acceptance  Additional Reading  Common Errors Made by Students  Vocabulary  Supplementary Vocabulary for Arts&Crafts  Notes to Text  Exercises Chapter 4 Signing a Contract  Case Study  Additional Reading  Common Errors Made by Students  Vocabulary  Supplementary Vocabulary for Electrical Appliances  Notes to llext  Exercises. Chapter 5 Terms of Payment  Part 1 Payment  Part 2 Urging Establishment of L/C  Part 3 L/C Amendment and Extension  Additional Reading  Common Errors Made by Students  Vocabulary  Supplementary Vocabulary for Mechanic Products  Notes to Tbxt  Exercises Chapter 6 Packing  Case Study  Additional Reading  Common Errors Made by Students  Vocabulary  Supplementary Vocabulary for Electronics  Notes to Text  Exercises Chapter 7 Insurance  Case Study  Additional Reading  Common Errors Made by Students  Vocabulary  Supplementary Vocabulary for Lights  Notes to Text  Exercises Chapter 8 Shipment  Case Study  Additional Reading  Common Errors Made by Students  Vocabulary  Supplementary Vocabulary for Mould Products  Notes to Text  Exercises Chapter 9 Complaints and Claims  Case Study  Additional Reading  Common Errors Made by Students  Vocabulary  Supplementary Vocabulary for Chemical Products  Notes to Text  Exercises 附录  附录A Frequently Used Country and Area Codes  附录B Commonly Used Telex Abbreviations  附录C Expressions Commonly Used in Telex 参考文献  
