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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术自然科学化学晶体生长手册6:晶体生长专题



定 价:¥38.00

作 者: (美)德哈纳拉 等主编
出版社: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社
标 签: 晶体学 科学与自然


ISBN: 9787560338712 出版时间: 2013-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 182 字数:  




  Govindhan Dhanaraj is the Manager of Crystal GrowthTechnologies at Advanced Renewable Energy Company (ARC Energy) atNashua, New Hampshire (USA) focusing on the growth of large sizesapphire crystals for LED lighting applications, characterizationand related crystal growth furnace development. He received his PhDfrom the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and his Master ofScience from Anna University (India). Immediately after hisdoctoral degree, Dr. Dhanaraj joined a National Laboratory,presently known as Rajaramanna Center for Advanced Technology inIndia, where he established an advanced Crystal Growth Laboratoryfor the growth of optical and laser crystals. Prior to joining ARCEnergy, Dr. Dhanaraj served as a Research Professor at theDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Stony BrookUniversity, NY, and also held a position of Research AssistantProfessor at Hampton University, VA. During his 25 years of focusedexpertise in crystal growth research, he has developed optical,laser and semiconductor bulk crystals and SiC epitaxial films usingsolution, flux, Czochralski, Bridgeman, gel and vapor methods, andcharacterized them using x-ray topography, synchrotron topography,chemical etching and optical and atomic force microscopictechniques. He co-organized a symposium on Industrial CrystalGrowth under the 17th American Conference on Crystal Growth andEpitaxy in conjunction with the 14th US Biennial Workshop onOrganometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy held at Lake Geneva, WIin 2009.Dr. Dhanaraj has delivered invited lectures and also served assession chairman in many crystal growth and materials sciencemeetings. He has published over 100 papers and his researcharticles have attracted over 250 rich citations.


缩略语PartH 晶体生长专题47 蛋白质晶体生长的方法47.1 生物高分子溶液的性质47.2 传输现象和形成晶体47.3 晶体生长的典型方法47.4 扩散一控制方法形成蛋白质晶体47.5 晶体生长的新趋势(晶体品质增强)47.6 原子力显微镜的2-维表征(案例研究)47.7 X射线衍射的3-维表征和相关方法参考文献 48 用凝胶法形成晶体48.1 晶体淀积病中的凝胶生长48.2 实验方法48.3 凝胶系统中的晶格的形成48.4 利用凝胶技术的晶体生长48.5 晶体淀积病的应用48.6 晶体淀积相关的疾病48.7 草酸钙48.8 磷酸钙48.9 羟基磷灰石(HAP)48.10 二水磷酸氢钙(DCPD)48.11 硫酸钙48.12 尿酸和单钠酸尿48.13 1-胱氨酸48.14 1-酪氨酸、马尿酸和环丙氟哌酸48.15 动脉硬化和胆结石48.16 激素的结晶:黄体酮和睾酮48.17 胰腺炎48.18 结论参考文献 49 钛硅酸盐中晶体生长和离子交换49.1 X射线方法49.2 时间一分辨实验的设备49.3 检测49.4 软件49.5 原位细胞的种类49.6 利用Sitinakite技术对钛硅酸盐(Na-TS)的原位研究49.7 原位研究的讨论49.8 总结参考文献 50 单晶闪烁材料、50.1 背景50.2 闪烁材料50.3 前景展望50.4 结论参考文献 51 硅太阳能电池:材料、器件和制造51.1 硅光生伏特51.2 硅光生伏特的晶体生长技术51.3 电池制作技术51.4 总结和讨论参考文献 52 利用线锯制造和切割晶片52.1 从晶体锭到基本的晶片52.2 切割:晶片制造中的第一个后生长工艺52.3 晶片切割中的现代线据52.4 总结与展望参考文献主题索引
