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当前位置: 首页出版图书经济管理管理商务实务新编商务英语:阅读教程4(第2版)



定 价:¥34.00

作 者: 虞苏美,张春柏,吴长镛 编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 全国高等院校商务英语精品教材
标 签: 管理 商务实务


ISBN: 9787040362091 出版时间: 2013-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 276 字数:  






Unit 1
Part A Text
Text A Advertising
Text B A Surge in Online Ads
Part B Fast Reading
Unit 2
Part A Text
Text A Money and Its Functions
Text B Are We Headed for the Cashless Society?
Part B Fast Reading
Unit 3
Part A Text
Text A Steps in Entering Business in China
Text B KFC China's Recipe for Success
Part B Fast Reading
Unit 4
Part A Text
Text A Marketing and Selling to Chinese Businesses (Ⅰ)
Text B Marketing and Selling to Chinese Businesses (Ⅱ)
Part B Fast Reading
Unit 5
Part A Text
Text A The Job Search
Text B Women Need Not Apply
Part B Fast Reading
Unit 6
Part A Text
Text A Protecting Against Economic Loss (Ⅰ)
Text B Protecting Against Economic Loss (Ⅱ)
Part B Fast Reading
Unit 7
Part A Text
Text A Management: Its Meaning and Purpose
Text B Wal-Mart's Magic Moment
Part B Fast Reading
Unit 8
Part A Text
Text A Accounting
Text B Finance: Basic Concepts
Part B Fast Reading
Unit 9
Part A Text
Text A Stocks and Bonds (Ⅰ)
Text B Stocks and Bonds (Ⅱ)
Part B Fast Reading
Unit 10
Part A Text
Text A Types of Products
Text B Packaging
Part B Fast Reading
Test 2
Some Important Reading Strategies and Skills
